Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A Monday Quiz For Tuesday

1. What did you do on the public holiday yesterday?
2. I'd think you were cool if you liked..
3. Contrary to popular belief, I'm actually..
4. Not worth the paper it's printed on
5. Do you buy any magazines regularly? Which?


Ben McLaughlin said...

1. What did you do on the public holiday yesterday?
2. I'd think you were cool if you liked..
3. Contrary to popular belief, I'm actually..
4. Not worth the paper it's printed on
5. Do you buy any magazines regularly? Which?

Ben McLaughlin said...

1. Hung out with the girls, went to Miranda Fair, did some gardening, finished my storyboard
2. The Smiths
3. Not shy
4. Gossip mags
5. Not regularly, but occasionally Uncut or Metal Hammer.

Pedro said...

1. LOTS of moving and room preparation...
2. The Beach Boys / Brizo Wilson
3. prone to very introverted moments
4. Junk Mail and tabloid magazines
5. yes. Australian Motorcycle News.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Yeah, I think I knew about your introverted side-- I think it took a while for me to realise it though.

onlinesoph said...

1. not much as Sam had to study.
2. going to art galleries for fun
3. very judgmental sometimes
4. letters from centrelink
5. Not anymore, but I am partial to Marie Claire and Delicious magazine.

Amy said...

1. Well some states had to keep working whilst the rest of you slacked off :)
2. Doctor Who
3. Not able to organise, arrange and do everything
4. Murdoch papers
5. Frankie, Uppercase, Real Living, Australian House and Garden, Home Beautiful (I am renovating my house, okay?)

Georgina said...

1. I went to a conference, and had dinner and birthday cake with friends in Melbourne. Yes, it was my birthday. Yes, it was a public holiday in NSW. And yes, I worked on my birthday.
2. I'd think you were cool if you liked landscape painting?
3. Contrary to popular belief, I'm actually not very nice at all.,
4. Gossip mags. Junk mail. Tabloid newspapers. They're all crap.
5. I buy the briefing regularly, and the Big Issue when I see it being sold.

Georgina said...

Just getting comments...

Ben McLaughlin said...

Soph- with you on the art gallery one

Amy- Well thanks for holding up the fort while we relaxed

George- Happy Birthday!! I hope you had a good day.

Ben McLaughlin said...

By the way, I think maybe I've confused some people with question 2..

Just to clarify, the "I" in the question is YOU, quiz contestant, not me your quizmaster.

Wendy said...

1. What public holiday?
2. Cricket
3. Shy and need my space, even though I'm an extrovert.
4. Junk mail
5. No, unless mission/church magazines count. Probably Footprints magazine counts. Wish I could afford Women's Weekly.

Helen said...

1. No public holiday in QLD.
2. Quilting
3. not very Godly.
4. The Toowoomba Chronicle
5. Better Homes and Gardens, and Notebook, occasionally.

Simone R. said...

1. Wasn't a public holiday in Qld. Took the dog to the vet.
2. Sophie Hannah poems.
3. not a great reader. I think my 10 year old reads faster than me.
4. The Vampire Diaries. I wasted a lot of time last week reading the first 4. The fact that I still didn't care what happened to any of the characters after the second book, should have been an indication for me to stop reading.
5. No. But if my favourite blogs came in magazine form, I'd buy them!

maso said...

1. No public holiday in Qld. I was at work having Monday quiz withdrawals.
2. ...surfing
3. ...I'm not actually that good at surfing.
4. The Sunday Mail (newspaper)
5. Wheels magazine, and the Weekend Australian magazine.

KIM said...

1. Sandboarding at Port Stephens!!!
2. The Princess Bride
3. Not at all fond of poetry. Or walking. Or candles. Or cheese.
4. Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
5. The Big Issue

Laetitia :-) said...

1. What did you do on the public holiday yesterday? - PH? Actually, I currently don't work on Mondays so I took a lens to a camera repair shop for a quote, browsed in Koorong but didn't buy anything, worked on my current quilting project while watching TV (nods to Helen) and made dinner.
2. I'd think you were cool if you liked..playing big band music.
3. Contrary to popular belief, I'm actually..not popular.
4. Not worth the paper it's printed on - astrology predictions in the paper.
5. Do you buy any magazines regularly? Which? - we have a Creation magazine subscription by choice and I get professional mags as a 'reward' for my fees. The Creation magazine is read; Ian reads my professional mags more than I do. Oh, and we get the RACQ mambers mag too. I no longer have room or time to get gardening mags regularly. :-(

Laetitia :-) said...

4. Political advertising.

Ruth said...

1. I was sick
2. Chuck
3. incredibly shy
4. chain letters
5. no

Alistair Bain said...

1. Didn't have one.
2. John Coltrane
3. prone to melancholy.
4. Snow Falling on Cedars by David Guterson.
5. No. The Monthly occasionally. Or Mojo

Dawn Merz said...

A Monday Quiz for Tuesday... oops, early Friday morning..,
1. Public Holiday? Played with the children trying to keep them happy and content while Peter studied all day.
2. I'd think you were cool if you liked really old books, particularly if they were printed in England.
3. I am actually not that confident.
4. Advertisements.
5. Taste of Home (cooking magazine) subscription. "The Economist" wanna-be. "Farm and Ranch" occasionally when in the states. "Critique" magazine by Ransom Fellowship. "Time" when desperate.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Wendy-It's strange, it seems like their are shy extroverts, and unshy introverts. The lines are very foggy.

Helen-My wife likes Notebook. She had a subscription last year.

Simone-Yeah, I'd like to see a printed blog monthly, where all my favouite bloggers get a page or two each to fill. That'd be great.

Maso-Sorry for the late quiz. I'd planned to do one, but I got sidetracked with my freewheeling holiday gallavanting.

Kim- The Priness Bride was playing in JB Hifi the other day. It's a good'n.

Laetitia-Totally agree on the astrology predictions. Why people would waste their time reading that guff is beyond me.

Ruth-Hope you're feeling better now. Yeah, I don't think I realised for ages that you were shy, Ruth.

Al- I like Mojo too, though I prefer Uncut for the alphabetised record reviews.

Dawn-Maybe I'm just moderately cool then, because I like mederately old books. 1950's is a good vintage. Good smelling, nice design, sturdy binding. If they are too old they crumble in your fingers.

Dawn Merz said...

Ben: Books from the 50s are treasured by me, too!! I have different kinds of book loves for different reasons. I treasure so so much my old and crumbly books, but reading them is an event and I would far rather a newer book to just carry around and read. So yes, you are moderately cool leaning more towards very cool than "not cool at all".