Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Monday, October 18, 2010

The Quiz

1. A short term goal

2. A long term goal

3. Smoothie flavour of choice

4. How frequently do you get a haircut?

5. A TV show you own on DVD


Ben McLaughlin said...

1. A short term goal
2. A long term goal
3. Smoothie flavour of choice
4. How frequently do you get a haircut?
5. A TV show you own on DVD

RodeoClown said...

1 - Fix the en suite tap... 2nd last day of work, and I've had to stay home to try and fix it... and the hardware store sold me the wrong type of tap. Gah!

2 - Told you the other day, won't repeat it here :)

3 - Banana (duh!)

4 - When the nagging gets too much (so every 2-3 months).

5 - Firefly.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Rodeo- Jigging your second last day! Hope you get it fixed.

Ben McLaughlin said...

1. To get properly started on a project I've been faffing about with for ages.

2. To do said project for the rest of my life.

3. Banana

4. Probably every 3 months or so. I just use the clippers.

5.How I Met Your Mother. Just bought it the other day.

RodeoClown said...

Ben - I'm still working, just from home :) (Not that there's that much left to do...).

Alistair Bain said...

1. To finish Cloudstreet
2. To lose 10 kilos
3. Banana.
4. every 5 weeks
5. Jamie At Home.

Pedro said...

1. Get my shaping bay up and running
2. maintenance of my fitness and agility
3. mango
4. Paid? 10 years. Unpaid? every couple of months...
5. Entourage

Laetitia :-) said...

1. A short term goal - get some photos dealt with today.

2. A long term goal - get some blogging of my own done. OK, maybe that's a short term goal, or at least an on-going one. Long term would be finish my Dip of Accounting and even longer term would be own a house.

3. Smoothie flavour of choice - if we're talking fruit then banana, mango and maybe a hint of strawberry (not into strawberry flavouring but real ones are fine). No pineapple. :-)

Actually, one of my favourite cafes does wonderful berry, banana and choc-banana and choc-berry ones.

4. How frequently do you get a haircut? About every 6 - 8 weeks when I have short hair and maybe up to half a year when I have long hair.

5. A TV show you own on DVD - Two 4-episode DVDs of The Goodies. All the others are movies.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Al- I like Jamie At Home, I own it too. I have coveting issues with his massive vegetable garden and outdoor pizza oven thing though.

Pedro- I'm glad the shaping bay is in 'short term'. Gotta get on to that one before the little fella comes on the scene..

Laetitia- Ahh, the Goodies. Good stuff.

Wendy said...

1. Survive today with some professional integrity intact.
2. Write a book.
3. Mango
4. Fringe - 3 months, rest - 6 months.

KIM said...

1. cook the broccoli before it goes bad (too late??)
2. publish a book
3. raspberry with whipped cream from maisy's (or, ideally, common ground, but that's a bit far these days)
4. about every 6-12 months
5. none

Gary Ware said...

1. Mop the floor, then watch NFL
2. Mop the floor more often.
3. Fresh fruit, mango.
4. Not often enough, usually involves daughters and wife saying 'Your hair is too long'.
5. West Wing.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Wendy-All the best for today's goal

Kim- I'd read a book you wrote, for sure

Gary- I have the opposite problem. I like having my hair really short, but my wife and kids want me to grow long curly doofus hair. Last time I cut it, my daughter was crying, saying 'put it back on'.

onlinesoph said...

1. Do push ups on my toes.
2. Overcome anxiety. Less profound - get to a point where I can write regularly on our blog. Too hard with a baby!
3. Mango. mmm...
4. twice a year
5. Buffy, 24 and three seasons of Dawsons' creek

onlinesoph said...

1. Do push ups on my toes.
2. Overcome anxiety. Less profound - get to a point where I can write regularly on our blog. Too hard with a baby!
3. Mango. mmm...
4. twice a year
5. Buffy, 24 and three seasons of Dawsons' creek

Crazyjedidiah said...

1. Get a job.
2. Do a Library uni degree.
3. Strawberry
4. once/twice a year depends though.
5.Summer Heights High, Changi, My place.

Dawn Merz said...

1. A goal in the negative: to NOT get the tummy flu both of my children have right now.
2. To be better organized.
3. Fresh fruit almost anything except banana... favourite: raspberry.
4.Whenever I see one of my sisters; ideally every 6-9 months.
5. The West Wing; House; Thank God You're Here; Planet Earth; Blue Planet; and (in very small letters so noone will notice) Friends. I love TV on DVD, especially since we don't have TV.

Simone R. said...

1. Moving house. Want it all done and dusted by Nov 6. Every box unpacked.
2. a.)To be able to run 10km at a reasonable speed. At the moment I can run 5-6 very slowly.
b.) To write a really good song. Or a musical.
3. Banana.
4. Twice a year. Maybe. I always need a haircut.
5. Angel (Actually just borrowing it. But hopefully will own some soon.)

RodeoClown - Love firefly. Still mourning that there was never a second series.

Georgina said...

1. Short term goal - was to get conference report, conference schedule and agenda for a social club together (3 different orgs). Did it tonight after work - woo!
2. Long term goal - be at a weight I'm happy with
3. Mixed berry
4. About 3 times a year
5. Glee (yep, sorry).

Thora and Dean said...

1. to put up curtain rails so we all get more sleep
2. have a picnic in the Lakes district in ENgland
3. berry (with no banana padding please...)
4. about once every 6 months
5. Spooks, Foyles War...and a few others that technically belong ot me since Dean and I are one...but I don't want to claim them!!!

Milika said...

1. sleep and rest enough to recover from staff conf
2. finish a degree
3. berry
4. rarely - hairdressers are stressful
5. many, many - result of no TV and a way to force structured resting. most recent viewing Dead Like Me season 2