Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Monday, November 29, 2010

Kamikaze Kookaburras

We've got these mental kookaburras at our place. We'll be casually sitting at the dining table, minding our own business, enjoying the serenity when..


Some crazy bird plows into the window, making me choke on my spag bol. And kookaburras are not small birds either. And their beaks are not not small or unassuming either.

Now I get that they can't see the window, and just see the bush and sky reflected back at them, and they think their flying into some awesome portal to a new world as yet unexplored. But do they not see the kookaburra they are about to have a head on with?

At first it was just the occasional whump. But the whumps are getting more frequent. It's all getting a bit too Hitchcockian for my liking.


Laetitia :-) said...

Yes, they can see the kookaburra - that's the problem - it'll generally be a male bird doing this and it'll be thinking that it's fending off the competition. It'll calm down in a month or three then you'll have some months of relative quiet until the next breeding season. Enjoy! ;-)

KIM said...

so normally i try really hard not to link back to my blog because i know it's slightly rude ... but but but!! i wrote this fun story about the very same thing that happened to me!! am i forgiven??

Ben McLaughlin said...

Laetitia- in that case, I admire his bravery, to go beak to beak with such speed and commitment.

Kim- Ah, I love a bit of shameless self promotion! Good post- I hope Beaky is still around, and not too heavily concussed.