Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Monday, November 8, 2010

The Quiz

1. Most hated chore

2. I cheer inwardly when..

3. I groan inwardly when..

4. If you were to buy a pet animal today, what would you get?

5. People don't seem to realise that I'm actually..


Ben McLaughlin said...

1. Most hated chore

2. I cheer inwardly when..

3. I groan inwardly when..

4. If you were to buy a pet animal today, what would you get?

5. People don't seem to realise that I'm actually..

Pedro said...

1. Vacuuming
2. The little guy gets a win
3. Someone starts another conversation with me about their new exercise regime....for the umpteenth time.
4. Dog
5. pooing in my pants at the thought of becoming a dad!!!

Crazyjedidiah said...

1. Washing up.
2. When I get an interview.
3. When I have to talk to new people
4. Bird/fish
5. sick of looking for work.

Wendy said...

1. Cleaning the shower.
2. My kids say "all right" when I give them a job to do.
3. I have to make a phone call to someone I don't know.
4. Hermit crab
5. terrible at Japanese.

KIM said...

1. Anything that involves actual scrubbing.

2. Inwardly? If I'm cheering, I'm cheering out loud!

3. There's a punctuation mistake. Anywhere. Church songs are especial pet peeves, though Facebook status updates also really get to me.

4. I'd love, love, love a cat. However, considering I don't know what continent I'll be living on I'm going to have to stick with a pet rock for now.

5. Intelligent! That blonde look is just a ruse, honest!

Ben McLaughlin said...

1. Separating the meat to put in the freezer after grocery shopping. Especially the chicken breasts.

2. There's no one in the work kitchen when I go to make a cuppa

3. I tell people I work in animation and they say 'so I guess that's all done by a computer now'

4. A lil' ginger kitty

5. Not very interested in animation. Shhh don't tell the boss.

Joanna said...

1. Mopping the floor. I'd rather hang out 20 loads of washing than mop our 4 sq metres of Lino. Dunno why!
2. I get to say somethin positive about Christians in a lecture.
3. I hear statements from the Australian Christian Lobby or the right wing Christian lobby in the US.
4. Small dog
5. Not very confident socially.

Simone R. said...

1. Paperwork, bill paying etc.
2. The kids are busy with non-electronic play.
3. I am without electronic things to play with.
4. Puppy. Please? Can I?
5. so brilliantly, amazingly organised that I don't need a GTD system.

Amy said...

1. Cleaning out those scary slimy things in the back of the fridge.

2. Plans fall through and I get to stay home.

3. I get some sort of a social life.

4. Another dog! A little dashund perhaps...

5. Thinking, thinking, thinking, all the time.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Pedro- Becoming a parent is like taking off on a raft down some rapids.. you just gotta go with the flow. And wear a helmet.

Crazyjed- I empathise. I hope you find work soon.

Wendy- I've been looking into getting hermit crabs for the kids. They seem like cool little fellas.

Kim- I knew it was a ruse

Joanna- I find mopping more enjoyable than hanging out clothes. My clothes are ok, but my wifes clothes and the kids clothes take about ten times as long. Evrything is a silly impractical shape.

Simone- Heh, I like that you like the kids to play with ol' timey toys but don't wish the same on yourself. I am a staunch advocate of double standards.

Amy- I very much empathise with 2 and 3. Going out is so overrated.

Laetitia :-) said...

1. Chopping the celery to put it in a container in the fridge. Go figure - I'd rather wash up, sweep, mop and do the laundry before this one.
2. I pass someone, who previously overtook me at high speed, as they are being booked by the police.
3. When someone says that I should be ok with eating a product because it's gluten free...especially when the same people, every week, see me eating bread that they've bought.
4. Dog - bitzer from the pound. But I can't - I rent.
5. a person with problems with dairy, not gluten.

Georgina said...

1. Ironing! Never do it, if I can at all avoid. I hate it more than cleaning out the ferret litter tray.
2. I cheer inwardly when... someone gets booked speeding when they've overtaken me. I'm with Laetitia on this one.
3. I groan inwardly when the alarm goes off.
4. I'm not going to answer this on the grounds it will incriminate me!
5. People don't seem to realise that I'm actually very tall (6'1') and that makes clothes shopping excruciatingly painful.

Wendy said...

Ben - Hermit Crabs are terrific fun. And not too much work. Unfortunately we had to leave our in Australia when we came back to Japan. We get occasional updates from their new owners.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Laetitia- That's a funny one. I find celery chopping quite theraputic. I'll cut your celery if you do my washing up.

Georgina- I know, ironing sucks. I avoid it too. The best way is to fold it roughly right off the clothes line. Especially if you take them off in the heat of the day, where the inner heat and folding work as sort of bush iron.

Wendy-Yeah thay sound cool. We'll have to give them a try. Though I'm a little frightened of the commitment..