Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Things Girls Like #3

Paying money to drink water


RodeoClown said...

But... but... you can get it for FREE. Right there. Right next to you!

Paying money doesn't make it taste any better...


Ben McLaughlin said...

Yes, but look at the picture on the bottle. Obviously this must be Rare Mountain Water, collected from an untouched mountain stream, one drop at a time from rain water that has pooled on the flower petals of endangered lily pads.

Crazyjedidiah said...

Well we do pay money for all the water we drink. But I don't like the taste of water so I'm never gonna buy bottled water.

Karen said...

No way. I always ask if there is free water before I will pay for any. And I really don't like the sparkling water in bottles, it just tastes strange.

Wendy said...


Ben McLaughlin said...

Okay, well that's 3 of you out of every 3 thousand

Joanna said...

No, no, no. And historically, it was the Women's Christian Temperance Union that erected drinking fountains throughout cities in order to the supply of FREE clean drinking water. So us girls have good form on this....

Ben McLaughlin said...

Things Girls Like 3.1

Pretending they don't like paying money to drink water.

Laetitia :-) said...

I'll pay for soda water. And considering I pay water bills, I also pay for tap water. I'm normally happy to drink tap water, but would prefer if it weren't fluoridated.

fional said...

I drank tap water in Bangkok. And I vote.

Laetitia :-) said...

"And I vote." lol!

Ben McLaughlin said...

Laetitia- water bills is one thing. My point is more, if we are already paying to drink our tap water, why also buy these silly bottles.

Fional- Thanks for stopping by! That'd make a good t-shirt..

Nathan said...

I pay for water occasionally. It is cold, and comes with a handy bottle.

It is also better for you than soft drink. And has less fat than flavoured milk (though also less calcium).

Laetitia :-) said...

Nathan - don't be too disappointed about the less calcium idea - the calcium in animal milk is not in a particularly useful form for the human body and can possibly do more harm than good.

Steve said...

Remember- Evian spelled backwards is Naive!

Unknown said...

If I pay for water it means one of two things:

1. I forgot to bring my water bottle with me OR

2. I didn't clarify I wanted TAP water not take-my-money water with with the wait staff.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Thanks for dropping by, Elsie! I like your Jelssie blog and just discovered your other one today. Favourited.
ps- your first reason is seriously the oldest excuse in the book, I'm afraid.