Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Quiz

1. Seriously, how good are holidays? Okay, that was more a rhetorical quiz question, but still.
2. Approximately how disapproving will you be when I tell you I was converted to Twilight over the break?
3. But you'll still be my friend, right?
4. How was your Christmas?
5. How was your Noo Years?


Ben McLaughlin said...

1. Seriously, how good are holidays? Okay, that was more a rhetorical quiz question, but still.
2. Approximately how disapproving will you be when I tell you I was converted to Twilight over the break?
3. But you'll still be my friend, right?
4. How was your Christmas?
5. How was your Noo Years?

Simone R. said...

1. Yeah. Really good.
2. Excited. So excited. You've seen the light!
3. Friends? BFF.
4. Fine.
5. Good.

Pedro said...

1. What holiday? I feel like I need a holiday...or a some sleep.
2. Gay.
3. Who are you again?
4. Slightly different this year mate!!! Zeke kept us all on our toes. Nice to have mum and dad here.
5. Home by 10:30....zzzzzz

Nathan said...

1. Fantastic.
2. The inverse of the amount of pleasure you experience while reading the books multiplied by the number you've read.
3. Maybe.
4. Good.
5. See Simone's answer. We were at her house.

Wendy said...

1. Mostly good. Cranky kids - not good. No blogs posts from Simone or Ben - not good.
2. Not interested.
3. If you mean, I won't stop following your blog, then yes.
4. Quiet but good.
5. Very good.

Anonymous said...

1. I hear the value varies.
2. As excited as ultimate Blade.
3. Just don't say you're looking forward to the Buffy remake.
4. Excellent.
5. Sound of Music and Blues Brothers, BBQ and oliebollen.
I never realised that the Palace Hotel Ballroom scene in BB was based on the Salzburg Music Festival scene from SoM.

Milika said...

1. great. when you take out work, I have so much more people energy.
2. How did this conversion occur?
3.I'll still read the blog, and even try to comment more reguarly in 2011!
4. Good - worth the effort to go to our church early. usually go to later service at parents' church, but was lovely to be with our church family.
5. quiet. went round and looked after sick brother, put him to bed at 9, then home myself.

Amy said...

Beats head on desk. I have no words.

Georgina said...

1. Seriously good. Yep.
2. Extremely. That is terribly unfortunate. I will pray!
3. Hmmm, dear Lord, please lead Ben in the path of righteousness
4. Urgh
5. Better than Urgh.

Karen said...

1.Good if you can lose the kids for some of the time.
2.Perplexed. I read them last year and still don't get the hype.
3.Well I guess I'll still read. We all have character flaws. And I still read Simone's blog even though she loves Twilight.
5.Big birthday party and the view of the fireworks from our deck was spectacular...

Alistair Bain said...

1. Awesome.
2. On a scale of 1 to 100: 200.
3. yes. But it'll be different ;)
4. My Plum Pudding was a disaster.
5. I've forgotten.

KIM said...

1. Overrated ;)
2. Extremely
3. As long as your writing hasn't been affected by them, I suppose ...
4. Fantastic!! My first hot Christmas!!
5. NYE was great -- the next three days I was one sick cookie! (dehydration from Sydney pre-fireworks heat, of course)

Joanna said...

1. Oh yeah, had half our holiday, now back at work for a week and then another 10 days of hols. Work doesn't hurt a bit at the moment!
2. Well, I certainly won't take any more snide comments from you about Glee.
3. Yep.
4. Quiet.
5. Had some pleasant snoozing with the inlaws in front of the tv, then off to bed by 9pm. Perfect!

Ben McLaughlin said...

1. Heaps good
2. Not at all. Your taste is impecable, as always
3. I'm you, so, sure.
4. Ok
5. Kinda one of my worst. We had no plans and had just got back from a trip away. I was in a bummy mood and we didn't make it past about 10.

Laetitia :-) said...

1. Seriously, how good are holidays? Okay, that was more a rhetorical quiz question, but still.

I wish they were longer - despite not being paid when I'm not at work - 'cause there's things I need to get done that can't be done at the same time as social engagements.

2. Approximately how disapproving will you be when I tell you I was converted to Twilight over the break?

Sigh. I've heard about the stalking scene promoted as 'love' [gah! gag!] and decided that since I've been on the receiving end of that IRL (more than once) I don't need it in my fiction.

3. But you'll still be my friend, right?

Repent! Now!

4. How was your Christmas? - Busy.
5. How was your Noo Years? - Busy - party at a friends NYE (we left early); get woken up by neighbours down the road just when drifting off to sleep; go to friends' wedding.