Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Quiz

1. It feels inevitable that I'll eventually..
2. You can never have too many..
3. How many books would you read in a year?
4. Realistically, how many would you like to read in a year?
5. I wish I could pull off..


Ben McLaughlin said...

1. It feels inevitable that I'll eventually..
2. You can never have too many..
3. How many books would you read in a year?
4. Realistically, how many would you like to read in a year? 5. I wish I could pull off..

Ben McLaughlin said...

I'll go first for once..

1. Have an iphone
2. Tea spoons in the tea spoon compartment
3. Cover to cover, probably 2-3. Sad, but true.
4. 10. I can't see why I couldn't get through a novel in a bit over a month.
5. Skinny jeans. Or a Morrisey haircut.

Alistair Bain said...

1. have to grow up.
2. Books
3. 3 or 4 at the moment. I "consult" books these days rather than "read" them.
4. 24
5. a skinny shirt.

Crazyjedidiah said...

1. have to go back to casual work.
2. hair ties
3. 10 to 20
4. dunno 20+
5. a skinny dress

Pedro said...

1. have to use assistance to walk because of my knees...
2. Surfboards
3. maybe 1 or 2
4. maybe 1 or 2
5. Surfing like a 20 yr old raised on the beaches...

Wendy said...

1. end up on one of those committees I don't want to be on (but keep getting asked to join).
2. deep conversations with good friends.
3. 60-80 Really! Some of that is books I review for our school library - early readers.
4. Um, 100?
5. An all-nighter.

Amy said...

1. Pick some of the things I dream of doing, and accept I can't do them all.
2. Books of course.
3. Last year was 58.
4. 100 would be nice. I used to be able to read far more than I do now.
5. Confidence.

Joanna said...

1. Put on 5-10 kilos.
2. Wise older Christians in your life.
3. 150 or so. It's what I do to work and relax (different books, though!)
4. Less than 100. I definitely need to get out more!
5. Summer frocks.

Georgina said...

1. It feels inevitable that I'll eventually get so fat I won't be able to leave my house.
2. You can never have too many books, of course.
3. Hmmm, anywhere from 20-100?
4. Realistically, I'd like to read a book a day - so 365.
5. I wish I could pull off all my clothes like a toddler when it's really hot like today. But I can't. Which is a good thing really.

KIM said...

1. go home
2. books. feather boas. frequent flier miles.
3. hmmm. a dozen, give or take?
4. if i managed 2-3 classics, and then a dozen others i'd be happy.
5. hats. stacking a euchre deck. other people's cash.

maso said...

1. ... have to get digital TV (and the answer to number 3 will drop further)
2. ... annual leave days hoarded up
3. 10 or so. I just might not finish quite all of them...
4. 10 is fine. Be good to finish each one tho, before I get distracted by the next one.
5. ... being an early riser.

Milika said...

1. have to get a lisence
2. types of tea
3. 100 - lots of them are read again
4. 60 less pulp, more substance
5. confidence

Simone R. said...

1. crash. But in the mean time...
2. musical instruments
3. Completely? 5. Maybe.
4. 10?
5. A pop song. A really good, well crafted pop song that someone wanted to record and that everyone wanted to listen to. (And skinny jeans.)

Karen said...

1....have to write these committee meeting minutes that I've been avoiding for the past week.
2. Definitely books. Or packets of chocolate biscuits in the cupboard.
3. Don't know. Too many to count. At least 12 because of book club every month. But I read lots more than that. Maybe 80-100?
4. Even more. I would like to be better at finishing reading Christian books instead of just reading the first couple of chapters.
5. Long flowing summer dresses.

onlinesoph said...

1. grow to like ABC2
2. days in the week to get things done.
3. 12-15

onlinesoph said...

oops I wasn't done!

5. a hat.

onlinesoph said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Laetitia :-) said...

1. It feels inevitable that I'll eventually..die.
2. You can never have too many..real friends.
3. How many books would you read in a year? A couple of dozen.
4. Realistically, how many would you like to read in a year? Maybe 2 a fortnight - 34?
5. I wish I could pull shirt in public like all the fellas do. Sometimes it's tempting to join a tribe where the women don't wear tops, but I'd probably just wind up with skin cancer - maybe it's just as well I'm not a bloke. :-)