Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Monday, February 21, 2011

The Quiz

1. How much sleep are you going on today?
2. Life would be a lot simpler, if only I..
3. A happy memory
4. Should men dye their hair when they go grey?
5. Should women?


Ben McLaughlin said...

1. How much sleep are you going on today?
2. Life would be a lot simpler, if only I..
3. A happy memory
4. Should men dye their hair when they go grey?
5. Should women?

Ben McLaughlin said...

1. 3 hours. Stayed up late trying to finish this dumb old storyboard. I'm very tired, and far from finished.

2. Could finish my work on time

3. That one time that I finished my storyboard on time

4. No. I cannot trust a man with dyed hair

5. I'm going out on a limb to say unless the hair is shortish, yes.

RodeoClown said...

1) 6-7hrs
2) ... ran the world.
3) Sure was.
4) No.
5) No.

Crazyjedidiah said...

1. 7 - 8.
2. ... had a job.
3. the birth of my niece.
4. No.
5. No.

Sarah said...

1. 9 hours, decadent!
2. Knew what tomorrow will hold.
3. Swinging on my hammock looking out over the beach.
4. No.
5. No.

Nathan said...

1. 6 hours.
2. Said no more.
3. I once ate a whole pavlova in an ad hoc pavlova eating contest at high school.
4. No. I found my first grey hairs this month. I plan to be dignified.
5. No. Steely grey all the way...

Anglican Parish of Yarraville said...

1. 8 blessed hours!
2. didn't have a three-four hour commute to work.
3. holiday in Fiji with my extended family
4. should they? no. may they? certainly.
5. as above.

Anglican Parish of Yarraville said...

Oh, the post above is from Joanna - accidentally logged in as my husband!

Beth said...

1. 6 or 7
2. Had two of me to help get all of my homework done.
3. Ice fishing just a couple of weeks ago.
4. If they want to, but at least make sure it looks natural.
5. See answer to #4.

onlinesoph said...

1. seven hours.
2. stopped worrying about everything!
3. when sam and I were young and just dating
4. no
5. no...but I would dye my hair if I started going grey.

Pedro said...

1. 6 hours...ish
2. had a normal fulltime job
3. 12 and a half weeks ago, my son was born.
4. No. gay.
5. No. Growing old is a graceful thing. Women do have the luxury of chasing vanity more than men should so if they like, sure, just not freakin purple!!!

Wendy said...

1. 10ish hours. Day off today (means all the boys are home, but also a sleep in).
2. didn't have three crazy boys.
3. Our honeymoon 13 1/2 years ago.
4. No
5. No, waste of money.

Amy said...

1. 5-6 hours.
2. Didn't have to work
3. The day long ago when I didn't wake up tired.
4. If they want
5. If they want

kristina said...

1. 7 hours.
2. had money.
3. summertime.
4. If they want to.
5. If they want to. I started turning grey at 18. You bet I dyed it.

KIM said...

1. Actually a bit more than I thought I was ... roughly 9 hours, depending how you count snoozing ... (that was a late night followed by an even later morning, just for the record).

2. Didn't have to renew a passport.

3. From the weekend ... laying on the ground and posing like monkeys for funny pictures.

4. Hmm depends when they go gray? More to the point, should it be "grey" or "gray"? I for one favor the a.

5. Hmm I've been pondering this and tend to think yes, but am unsure if I'd dye mine so don't quite know ... ask me in 20 years?

simone r said...

1. Heaps. 7 hours.
2. I had the run of the show teaching music at school.
3. Jo - I'll go the fiji holiday too.
4. No. Who cares if a guy is grey?
5. Yeah, if they want. Women dye it all the time anyway.

Alistair Bain said...

1. 6 and a half hours.
2. didn't have to sleep
3. the first time I rode a bike.
4. absolutely categorically not.
5. no. But get it cut properly. It looks great.

Karen said...

1. 7 hours. That's pretty good here.
2. Didn't commit to doing so much stuff.
3. Walking behind a waterfall. So cool!
4. No
5. Was discussing this with my hairdresser last time I had my hair cut and she discovered my first grey hair...she said no. I think I agree, on the waste of money argument.

Georgina said...

1. 7 hours
2. Life would be a lot simpler, if only I didn't have to commute to get to work, but I still got to go to work (none of this working from home business).
3. Winning a swimming race when I was 11.
4. Why not?
5. Man, everyone here's so negative about it. I found my first grey hair at 17. No way was I not going to dye it. You say waste of money; I say plenty of things to waste your money on. I choose not looking 50 when I'm not.

Laetitia :-) said...

1. How much sleep are you going on today? - Not enough but waaay more than I was on Saturday.
2. Life would be a lot simpler, if only I..didn't have to worry about medical tests and appointments as well as all my other activities. OK, OK, so it would be simpler if I just culled some activities, but which? Work? Nah, I like talking to people and the money's always nice.
3. A happy memory - a surprise party Ian pulled off for my 35th a few years ago.
4. Should men dye their hair when they go grey? - I'm with Jo aka Andrew - "should" no; "may" yes
5. Should women? - and again, "should" no; "may" yes. Personally I think the French finance minister looks great. If I get sick of having multi-coloured hair I hope I remember to opt for something like green rather than a brown that is obviously from a bottle. Also, I have much bigger medical conditions to fry than to worry about the colour of my hair!

Ruth said...

1. today? About four hours (feeling pretty tired this morning)

2. had more energy and patience

3. the first time the kids and I talked about the word 'ransom' - they thought it was one of David's sons (aka Absolom) - very sweet.

4. no

5. if they want to.

$cott said...

1. A delicious 7 hours!
2. didn't overthink
3. Holidays
4. If they want to, go for it, I think it can be very becoming.
5. Should they, no, could they, of course - see above :)


Ben McLaughlin said...

Rodeo- I pictured you running the world. And a cold chill swept through the room.

Crazyjed- Praying some work comes up soon..

Sarah- I've gotta get me a hammock. What's life without a hammock?

Nath- first grey hair? Welcome to the slippery slope. My chest hair has started to turn. My daughter asked 'what's that white string doing there?'

Joandrew- I hear you with the commute. Mine's about 3 hrs a day. Eurk.

beth- I have found with guys it never looks quite natural.. you can always tell somethings' slightly amiss.

Soph- hear, hear for #2!

Pedro- a full time job is simpler. The trade off is the monotony, I guess..

Wendy- TEN HOURS!!!!! Covet, covet.

Amy- I know working is god for us and all that.. but think of all the great stuff we could achieve with all those sweet extra hours..

Kristina- Hey! Nice to hear from you! Yeah.. what's not to love about good ol' Summertime.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Kim- I'm for grey. Grey sounds like a colour (not color!)and gray sounds like a surname.

Simone-Yeah, things would generally be simpler if I ran the show too.

Al- All those precious hours wasted on sleeping unconsciousness, I know..

Karen- I always wanted a secret hide out behind a waterfall.

George-Yeah, I don't really get the waste of money arguement. Is it so expensive? Even if you do it yourself?

Laetitia- I hope the medical tests went okay

Ruth-If I had a son, I'd like to call him Ransom. That'd be an awesome name!

Jen- Yeah.. I'm an overthinker too.. It's stifling, isn't it!

RodeoClown said...

Rodeo- I pictured you running the world. And a cold chill swept through the room.
Yeah, that's just me turning the air-conditioning on. I work better when it's a little cooler.

And don't worry, I would appoint you Master of Style. 'Cause I don't have any.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Sweet. I'm always up for the role of Wing Man

Laetitia :-) said...

Got the all clear on those tests. :-) Now to talk to the heart surgeon next Monday - I might be having a repair op later this year. Current med wisdom is that if the patient is 'young' it's best to do a repair if possible before the heart gets over-strained making a valve replacement necessary.

To me "grey" sounds like a steel/'bluish' colour and "gray" sounds like a yellowy/dirty colour, kinda like modern B&W vs sepia.