Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Monday, February 28, 2011

The Quiz

1. If it were up to you, would you increase the legal drinking to 21?
2. Why or why not?
3. Which would you rather go without for a year- coffee or chocolate?
4. Sing a song in your head. What was the first song that sprang to mind?
5. Pineapple. Does it belong on a pizza?


Ben McLaughlin said...

1. If it were up to you, would you increase the legal drinking to 21?
2. Why or why not?
3. Which would you rather go without for a year- coffee or chocolate?
4. Sing a song in your head. What was the first song that sprang to mind?
5. Pineapple. Does it belong on a pizza?

Pedro said...

1. yes
2. gets in the way of a lot of young folks progression...Bogs em down with unnecessary distractions at a time when they should be head down bum up. Hell, its only booze.
3. chocolate
4. Sing a song of sixpence (because of your question phrasing)
5. Nope. But don't tell Claire that!!!

Crazyjedidiah said...

1. Yes
2. They're more mature and can better judge when to stop.
3. Coffee
4. Go and be by Audio Adrenaline
5. Definitely not - I hate pineapple and do not want it anywhere.

Ben McLaughlin said...

1. No
2. I think by 18, kids should have learnt a certain level of responsibility and self control. By taking away the responsibility for 3 more years it just lengthens how long society babies them.
3. Tough call. I'd maybe go without chocolate. But I'd be pretty depressed for 12 months.
4. Bad Romance.. Ga ga ooh la laa
5. Heck yes.

Sarah said...

1. No.
2. People would still go around drinking illegally, so I think keep it the same and just get harsher on the penalties. Make people responsible for their actions.
3. Coffee. Hands down.
4. Waltzing Matilda.
5. Nup.

Ruth said...

1. yes
2. I hate what alcohol does to our society, and people's brain cells.
3. coffee - I don't drink it.
4. the theme from 'in the night garden' - which oddly enough, I think is quite beautiful.
5. Yes, but mushrooms belong more.

KIM said...

1. noooo
2. all of australia would hate me for it ... think it's a bit late in the game to try ... and i doubt it would make a shred of difference.
3. COFFEE. don't like it anyway, and might quite possibly die without chocolate.
4. this is the song that never ends ...
5. definitely.

Karen said...

1. No.
2. Because it would just extend the length of time that people drink illegally. And how would they enforce it??
3. Coffee.
4. When the Saints Go Marching In (this week's Monday Muppets...)
5. Yes yes yes. I love pineapple.

Laetitia :-) said...

1. If it were up to you, would you increase the legal drinking to 21? See answer to no. 2.
2. Why or why not? - Only if you also raised, the age at which someone is classed as a legal adult for going to jail, serving in the armed forces, marrying, voting...I have trouble imaging telling someone that they can be fined for not voting or they can marry but you're not going to let them drink at their own wedding.
3. Which would you rather go without for a year- coffee or chocolate? Coffee - no contest - I don't drink it.
4. Sing a song in your head. What was the first song that sprang to mind? Same as Pedro and for the same reason.
5. Pineapple. Does it belong on a pizza? I'm not sure that anything "belongs" on a pizza (the weirdest thing I've seen on a savoury pizza is pear). If you like it on your pizza, go ahead, just don't put it on mine.

Amy said...

1. Nope
2. Well, it's worked so well in the US, hasn't it (not). If you are considered an adult in every other aspect then drinking should be the same.
3. Coffee. 'Cause I don't drink it.
4. A tuneless 'dum de dum de dum'. And then Thriller.
5. No it does not.

Deb said...

1. Yep. But it would be jolly hard to get Australians to commit to it.
2. Because it's a facilitator of drunkeness, crime and disorder in our current society. Limits are good things. Do I think it would work? Maybe not. If it had enough community support. It needs a fairly wide base of commitment and I'm not sure the proposition has that yet. I'm sure a lot of trauma surgeons would agree to it.
3. Coffee. Only drink it now and then anyway.
4. "It's starting to rain..." Justine Clarke's album "I love to sing".
5. No. Doesn't belong. But it's nice sometimes.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Pedro- Sure, but wld changing the legal age limit change that?

CJ-How can you hate pineapple? It's delicious and refreshing! I can understand people not liking it cooked, but at ALL?

Sarah- I knew an avid tea drinker like yourself would have no qualms going without the bean..

Ruth- yeah I like the theme song. It's basicly Iggle Piggles' theme isn't it? Upsy's theme and Makka Pakkas' theme are nothing special, but Iggle Piggle's is nice. I like at the end when he's out in his boat on the waves at night time, with his theme song playing. Golden. Oh, not that I've ever watched it of course.

Kim- yes, it goes on and on, my friend..

Karen- good on you for being enthusiastically passionate about pineapple. It deserves the accolades.

Laetitia- Completely agree with your number 2 answer.

Amy- 'If you are considered an adult in every other aspect then drinking should be the same.'

Deb L- welcome to the quiz! With a drip and a drop and a splish and a slosh over and over again..

One of my fav's.

micah said...

1. Yes
2. More mature, less incidence of irresponsible drinking (though feel hypocritical saying this as I started drinking at 18)
3. Chocolate definitely
4. Hark the Herald
5. yes

onlinesoph said...

sorry "micah" was me - My brother was here earlier and left his account open!

Ben McLaughlin said...

Monday Quiz- home of the mistaken identities!

Ben McLaughlin said...

And Soph, you are the first female reader to say you'd go without chocolate. Minority report!

Seems to me that women are generally tea drinking, chocolate loving creatures.

simone r said...

1. No.
2. It wouldn't make a difference. People need to grow up and take responsibility. 18? 21? People would probably just drink on the sly anyway.
3. Hate coffee. No problems. Pepsi Max or chocolate? I'd go without chocolate.
4.Hey Ho Nobody Home.
5. Yes. Absolutely.

Joanna said...

1. Nup.
2. Should we work really hard to discourage irresponsible drinking? Yep. Especially among young people? Sure! Will criminalizing all alcohol consumption among people who can (as others have said) vote, marry & die for their country accomplish assist in either of the above? US example suggests not.
3. Chocolate. Chocolate is a pleasant luxury, coffee is a staple. Enough of your gender stereotypes, Ben! I've never left half a biscuit, either.
4. Well, I couldn't think of a song. Then I thought, would I be honest if the first song I thought of was rude or embarrassing - like Cee-Lo Green's catchy little tune. So I guess that was the first song I thought of. Oops.
5. No & I'm confident 99.9% of Hawaiians would actually agree.

maso said...

1. no
2. better to focus resources on teaching responsible consumption than on enforcing a new age limit
3. coffee
4. Brothers in Arms by Dire Straits
5. yes yes yes

Georgina said...

1. I would ban drinking all together. It's evil. I know God creates all things and therefore they are good, but I disagree. My grandfather was an alcoholic. Made my grandma's life hell. My stepmother is an alcoholic. Made my life hell. My cousin was an alcoholic. Committed suicide after her husband threw her out. BAN THE STUFF.
2. Oh, see 1.
3. Coffee. Chocolate is fundamental source of goodness. Coffee just gives bad breath.
4. Sing, sing a song, sing out loud, sing out STRONG!
5. Why not? Everything else seems to.

onlinesoph said...

Ben - I do like chocolate, but I love coffee more!

Ben McLaughlin said...

Okay, I'll cut out the gender stereotyping if I have to. I don't want to lose friends (even though I thought they'd already left over the conTROVersy controversy). Is it wrong to observe patterns in genders though? I'm not saying ALL of one sex is this or that, I'm just looking at trends. What I really am is a scientific statician data entry sort of guy.

But I hear you. For the sake of the friendships.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Simone- I'll never understand how anyone can prefer Pepsi over Coke. Do you not like Coke?

Jo-Sorry Jo. See above comment. By the way, I love Cee Lo. From his days as a rapper in Goodie Mob, to his days in Gnarls Barkley to his solo stuff. One of the best voices around.

Maso- Brothers in Arms was one of the first albums I owned. I had a copied casette of it, circa 1986-7

George- I can definitely see how all that personal pain in your family could make you feel so strongly against alcohol, George.

simone r said...

Pepsi max has twice the caffeine. I do like coke zero. Not a fan of diet coke.

Joanna said...

My comment was said with a smiley face, Ben!

Ben McLaughlin said...

Simone- Don't you think all those ones without sugar taste like when you made your Mum a cup of tea and accidentally gave yourself the one with Sugarine instead of the one with sugar?

Jo- woohoo statiticians rloe regained!

Ruth said...

Yeah - it's Iggle Piggle's theme - but in the opening, and closing of the show, I like the orchestration, and the counter melody used over the top of the main theme - it's quite beautiful, and intrigues me.....

Anonymous said...

1. I dunno. Probably? Would it make a difference?
2. Something needs to be done about Australia's binge drinking culture. If this is effective, then yes.
3. Both. Happily.
4. Sing a song of sixpence a pocket full of rye (or is it pie?)
5. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees. Love Hawaiian pizza!!