Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Happy first day of Autumn!

Everybody after me: All the leaves are brown.. Consider yourself pinched and punched, but in a good way.

To me Autumn is vaguely melancholy. I have a very romantic view of Summer, and when it ends I get this sensation of loss. Winter for me is real melancholy. So for me, Autumn is like the last day of a holiday. It's still really pleasant, but it feels like the beginning of the end, and I can't quite enjoy it because I'm mourning what's been and gone, and I'm thinking about what's coming next.

What is Autumn to you?


Pedro said...

The start of the cooler weather brings relief brethra!
no more sweaty hot nights where you can't sleep.
No more walking about in barely any clothes because its too flaming hot.
nice doonas at night and fluffy beanies to keep you warm in the early mornings..
crisp offshore winds
Hearty soups and lotsa coffee...
Oh. And the change in weather patterns pushes up strong groundswells from the intense storms down in the cold southern oceans.
Ie, good surf .

Ben McLaughlin said...

yeah, the relenting in the heat will be one great thing about it. It was getting a bit much there. Especially nights..

Georgina said...

I'm with Pedro. Plus for me Autumn is all about start of university. Too too many years I've spent at uni, clearly!

Laetitia :-) said...

Autumn is my favourite time of the year. We don't really get the changing leaves here in the sub-tropics but we do get the cooler mornings and evenings which makes a nice change from unrelenting heat necessitating fans all the time. It's also a lot more pleasant to do exercise that doesn't involve swimming.

And I like the cold so I've got winter, which means living in jeans, drinking hot chocolates, dry weather (yay! my clothes will dry!) more pleasant quilting and home care chores weather to look forward to. The only things I really miss are swimming and summer fruit.