Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Hakuna Matata

I'll give you seven thousand dollars if you can help me get paragraph breaks again. I don't like the unabomber vibe posts have when they have no paragraph breaks. Anyway on with this post. Imagine a paragraph break HERE. So I saw this fella on the train this morning, fairly good looking, neatly presented, and athletic. He appeared to be married, and maybe in his late thirties. He had the look of a personal trainer- a bit smug and "I woke up at 4:30am and meditated while eating my organic muesli"-ish. He also had a lion tattooed on his calf. Which was all well and good until I realised this was no ordinary lion, this was the Disney Lion King logo lion. Now, however cool and tough looking a lion might be, and no matter how good a logo design that may be, you're still a grown man with a Disney tattoo. Something to at least consider, or meditate on while you eat your muesli.


Crazyjedidiah said...

When the cursor won't move when I press enter, I then use the mouse/touch pad to manually move it to the next line.

Ben McLaughlin said...

It looks like there's a paragraph break when I'm writing, and all the html junk is in there, but when I publish the post, it's all gone. Infuriating!

RodeoClown said...

try whacking one of these babies in your text where you want your line break: <br/>

You may need 2.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Thanks mate!! It worked on one post. I tried to write a new post and it wouldn't work on that one. Will keep trying. A start at least, thanks. Seven grand is in the post.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Spoke too soon. How weird, it worked for a bit, but then when I refreshed it reverted to unabomber mode.

Crazyjedidiah said...

Do you post using Compose or Edit Html, maybe you should change which one you use.

Nathan said...

When this happened to me a while ago it was a problem with my css.

The "p" class in my style sheet was set to padding: 0;

But I just had a look at your code (does that scare you) using Firebug (that sounds scary) - and that doesn't seem to be the problem, nor do there appear to be any paragraph tags in those excessively long blocks of text that hurt my eyes.

Try putting < p > where you want a space (without the spaces between the angled brackets.

I assume, since you put in a br and that worked and then didn't that you're using the html editor rather than the wysiwyg editor (that stands for what you see is what you get). Try switching. I haven't used blogger for ages. So I can't remember exactly what you have to click to do that. I think there's a little button that says html. Though I assume you know that because you've been blogging forever.

It's really hard writing this sort of comment without:

a) seeming to be a know-it-all who assumes the other person knows nothing.
b) being self conscious about the level of geekiness involved.

Deb said...

Hakuna matata.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Nath, thanks for your time and thought there bro. I've pretty much tried everything I think.

And I do know nothing, so please do be a know it all. Though I may reserve the right to tease your geekiness.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Deb L, it means no worries for the rest of your days.