Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Monday, March 28, 2011

The Quiz

1. I find it hard to bite my tongue when... 2. Voting. Chore or privilege? 3. Something you did on a whim 4. It's feeling inevitable that I'll.. 5. Your mood....NOW


Ben McLaughlin said...

1. I find it hard to bite my tongue when... 2. Voting. Chore or privalege? 3. Something you did on a whim 4. It's feeling inevitable that I'll.. 5. Your mood....NOW

RodeoClown said...

1. I have a brick in my mouth.
2. Both.
3. Proposed.
4. Actually do some work today.
5. Meh (But happy Ben's back!)

Alistair Bain said...

1. ... I'm told that Christians must vote Liberal.
2. Privilege, mostly.
3. I don't do whims. My loss.
4. change my current mood.
5. Optimistic.

Ben McLaughlin said...

1. People mispronounce words. My boss says 'FOILage' for foliage. Employer/employee respects means I must bite. It hurts.
2. Both. Mostly chore.
3. Voted the way I did on Saturday
4. Join Facebook. It's calling me.. Bennnnn, Bennnnnnn..
5. Cross. mainly about missing paragraph breaks. It doesn't take much, it's true.

Unknown said...

1. People treat other people with disregard.
2. priviledge. If you care about anything going on in the cpuntry / state...
3. Bought a superduke
4. be unemployed next month
5. content

Unknown said...

by the way, Claire is Pedro on her gmail account.

Crazyjedidiah said...

1. When someone says the wrong thing, I am a pedant about a lot of things and I find myself correcting people all the time.
2. Chore
3. Can't think of anything.
4. end up getting a job out west.
5. I feel that I don't care.

Steve said...

1: Telemarketers call my house
2: Given right.
3: Took Pen out for Thai lunch last week
4: Worry
5: Anxious

Wendy said...

1. People panic about tiny amounts of radiation.
2. Privilege (Ben, you should be more cross about the spelling error!)
3. Um, answered this quiz.
4. Have conflict with my kids today.
5. Torn between plain duty and fun duty.

Anonymous said...

1. ...anytime, really, as my children are taking more and more delight in point out to me.
2. Duty. (which is to say, both)
3. Blogging.
4. Order Walt Simonson's Thor Omnibus.
5. Mondayish.

Deb said...

1. I overhear conversations about directions when people are lost.
2. Privilege.
3. Bought a new bin.
4. Be exasperated by dinner time.
5. Irritated by disobedient preschoolers.

maso said...

1. almost never
2. privilege.
3. umm ... I had take away pizza one night last week.
4. stay up too late tonight
5. content

simone r said...

1. Somebody makes some stupid comment assuming that Christians are all right wing voters. (Just noticed Al had the same!)
2. Privilege. Local elections are a chore.
3. Whim? Most everything.
4. Crash again.
5. Yeah. No.

Joanna said...

Welcome back, Ben! The Internet was less fun without you.

1. Senior colleagues are being offensive in meetings. Inappropriate for me to comment, but I try to make my feelings known through exaggerated facial expressions and the occasional shocked gasp.
2. Privilege. Read some history, those who think it's a chore. Unless you are an aristocrat, people died so people like you could vote. And unless you are an aristocrat, life was much crappier for people like you before people like you had the vote.
3. Watched Serenity & ate chocolate.
4. Forget something really important.
5. Tired but fairly content.

Georgina said...

Oh Ben, it's so wonderful to have you back! You brighten the sad state of an average Monday!

1. I find it hard to bite my tongue when people say I'm not that tall. For GOD'S SAKE, I am 6 foot 1. And I'm a girl. That IS Tall. ARGHHHHHHHH.
2. It's a privilege in theory and a chore in reality.
3. Ran away from home to live with my Dad. Never went back to live there again.
4. It's feeling inevitable that I'll die alone, that sad ferret lady.
5. My mood... hmmmm. Probably angry, which is my usual state.

Laetitia :-) said...

1. I find it hard to bite my tongue when... I walk in on someone else's conversation and feel I have something to add.
2. Voting. Chore or privalege? Chore to find a park if I don't live near a booth but otherwise a privilege. I don't understand the idea of non-compulsory voting being democratic - how can a 30% turn-out be considered the will of the people except to say that they hate the lot of candidates?
3. Something you did on a whim - it's now a habit; read random books from the display tables at the library.
4. It's feeling inevitable that I'll.. not get any sax practice done before tomorrow night - I'm using an injured hand as an excuse.
5. Your mood....NOW - Yay! Ben and his Monday quiz are back!

KIM said...

1. Not so much bite my tongue, but be polite -- when people ask questions they have no business asking in the first place and then expect an answer.

2. Theoretically privilege but practically chore.

3. Bought a plane ticket to London to surprise an ex-boyfriend.

4. ... tear up at the drop of a hat at least for the rest of the week if not month.

5. Tired/sad/dejected/frustrated/angry/hurt/nervous/overwhelmed.

Ruth said...

1. people say horrible things about my dad.

2. both - in the past I've found it a chore - like when 'E' was born and I was too tired to care.... this time it was a privilege, but tiring doing all the research. (I take my voting privilege seriously).

3. I rarely do anything on a whim.

4. get the vomit bug the kids have :-(

5. Tired, but content - always things for which to be thankful.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Rodeo-Proposed on a whim? Just as well it turned out well

Al-re #1: They SHOULDN'T??

Pedro-Unemployment is such a scary word

CJed-There's worse things than out west..

Steve-Sounds like we share that same anxious worrying gene mate

Wendy-Are the amounts tiny though?

Gary-I'm so glad there is someone on my blog who talks about Walt Simonson's Thor omnibus. Not a huge Simonson fan, but I kinda like some of his stuff. He's pretty dynamic.

Deb-To me it seems like no matter how good a day with the kids goes, that hour before dinner is always pretty mental, and things always seem to suddenly unravel!

Maso-Only one night?

Simone-Everything on a whim. Sounds exciting.

Jo-thx,nice to be back:)Maybe with the senior colleagues you could surreptitiously flip the bird, pretending you're just scratching your cheek.

George-thx for your nice words! yeah I don't like when people say I'm not short. Compared to who, Bilbo Baggins?

Laetitia- Yes I feel the need to contribute to convo's like that too

Kim-Sorry you're feeling crappy, I hope the week's gotten better.

Ruth-I hate the innevitability of when yr kids get crook you know you're gonna be next.. hope the household is on the mend tho

Dawn Merz said...

Welcome back, Ben! I am really enjoying your blog and missed you although this last week has been more of a non-computer week -- which is why I am reading your Monday quiz on Friday night.

I find it hard to bite my tongue when people make sweeping generalizations, especially about Americans. 2) Definitely a privilege. 3) Ate half a big bar of Rocky Road Chocolate. Between the shop and home. Today. 4) Its feeling inevitable that... I'll have to start saving for a new laptop. My last hope was extinguished by a laptop coroner/friend. 5) Longing for my family in the USA/Nostalgic.

kristina said...

1. non Christians talk about God.

2. privilege.

3. colored my hair red.

4. stay up too late tonight.

5. content.