Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Monday, August 31, 2009

I Have Always Depended On The Quizzes Of Strangers

1. Scrunch or fold
2. High school nickname
3. Crappest lolly in a standard party mix
4. A good purchase
5. A purchase you regret
6. A movie villain that frightened you as a kid
7.Three of your better traits
8. Three of your worserer traits
9. A song you can listen to on repeat
10. The birthday present I can expect from you in the post any day now


onlinesoph said...

first in!

1. scrunch
2. Sop
3. bananas
4. bought two jeans for $99. Both exactly the same so I won't have to shop for jeans for a long long while - yay!
5. icecream from coldrock. Overpriced, commercialised, sugary blandness
6. The Wizard from The Wizard of Oz (I didn't get that he was just a man)
7. compassionate, creative, a bit different
8. people pleaser, proud, stress easily
9. The Piano soundtrack
10. I'm 'edgy' so expect an animated dancing animal of some sort in your inbox.

(PS Happy Birthday!! Hope you have a good one)

Ben McLaughlin said...

oops, sorry. for reference:

1. Scrunch or fold
2. High school nickname
3. Crappest lolly in a standard party mix
4. A good purchase
5. A purchase you regret
6. A movie villain that frightened you as a kid
7.Three of your better traits
8. Three of your worserer traits
9. A song you can listen to on repeat
10. The birthday present I can expect from you in the post any day now

Nathan said...

1. Fold.
2. Smiley.
3. The Jelly Baby - it's just space filler.
4. My coffee machine - $400 on eBay.
5. I bought something last week, I can't remember, but I almost immediately felt buyers remorse... Umm... I seriously can't remember.
6. The Child Catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.
7. Loyalty, generosity, the ability to pun.
8. Arrogance, argumentativeness, dad jokes.
9. Call me Al
10. I'll link to you in a post.

Simone R. said...

1. fold
2. jake
3. anything pineapple flavour
4. $14 black dress
5. every organisational system I've ever bought has been a waste of money
6. the cat in the hat
7. creative, enthusiastic, energetic
8. cannot do admin at all, struggle to make myself do things that hold no interest, no patience with fundy thinking (except my own)
9. 'the tide' - the dailies
10. blog-love expressed in 'link' form.

Amy said...

1. Scrunch
2. Miss Amy by my friends. I suspect my enemies had others...
3. Pineapple or licorice
4. Stripy shoes with buttons
5. Stripy shoes with buttons once I have worn them longer than 5 minutes
6. There was a cat lady-monster on Dr Who that did have me hiding behind the lounge.
7. Creative, Empathetic, Listener
8. Judgemental, Distracted, Worrier
9. 'Human of the Year' by Regina Spektor (this week)
10. The gratitude for quizzes to cure Mondayitis.

maso said...

Ben, happy birthday!!

1. fold
2. didn't have one ... but at uni I got called 'maso' and it has well and truly stuck
3. bananas
4. 2005 Mazda 3
5. previous 1996 Mazda 626 ... so many tow truck rides
6. spider man
7. consciencious, loyal, sense of humour
8. perfectionist, think too much, get stressed a bit
9. 'Brothers in Arms' by Dire Straits
10. how bout if I just say "happy birthday!!" again? Hope you have a great dinner with the fam.

soph said...

1. scrunch
2. Mr Cow, Sputnik
3. Black cats
4. 99c strawberries
5. the awful coffee at uni this morning
6. the witch in the witches
7. loyal, honest, deep thinker
8. Untidy, obsessive, insensitive
9. Damascus - Sufjan Stevens
10. Gratuitously answering your quiz! Happy birthday!

Ben McLaughlin said...

1. Fold
2. Macca
3. bananas and licorice alsorts. Ew.
4. Hairclippers. $29 that keeps giving, ten years on
5. All those jeans over the years that get wider and more clown-like with every wear. I have 3 similarly crap pairs sitting in my draw, that never get worn.
6. Darth Vader
7. Sensitive, perceptive, dependable
8. Over-sensitive, short-tempered, anxious
9.'This Charming Man' by The Smiths
10. well, to be honest, I thought you readers would all pitch in and get me something pretty special and expensive, so I didn't buy anything for myself. I guess you never know people as well as you think you do.

goldy said...

1. Scrunch or fold - fold
2. High school nickname - mic
3. Crappest lolly in a standard party mix - the green ones
4. A good purchase - all my purchases are good - I'm not a spontaneous buyer, I research extensively.
5. A purchase you regret - none
6. A movie villain that frightened you as a kid - nothing scares me
7.Three of your better traits - I think , I listen, I'm loyal
8. Three of your worserer traits - can't be bothered, too tired, self centered
9. A song you can listen to on repeat - "don't drink the water" by dave matthews band
10. The birthday present I can expect from you in the post any day now - well we're even now because you never gave me my prize.

Ben McLaughlin said...

soph- yeah bananas are horrible, and massive too. I eagerly await the dancing animal.

Nath-oh yeah that chitty chitty dude was very creepy, even moreso as you get older.

Pedro- heh, I'm going to call you ghandi too from now on. thanks for the massage idea, but you really don't have to!

Simone- not even the ones that look like little pinapples? I love those. And whay jake?

Amy- I hate licorice too. Horrible. Empathy is a good trait. My favourite people have it.

Maso- that album was the first thing I ever had on tape. Did that have 'walk of life'? I was obsessed with that.

sophg- yeah strawbs are so cheap at the moment. tops. I'm always getting dissapointed with bought coffee.

And thanks all for the well- wishes!

Ben McLaughlin said...

goldy- can you be my guru to help me not impulse buy? And by the way, sour grapes is not a very nice present.

Nathan said...

I'm going to see how much effort it takes to address people individually.

Soph and Ben - Bananas are the best lolly, they're also the best milkshake and the best paddlepop.

Ben and Maso - I love Brothers in Arms too - both the song and the album. It's in my top ten albums ever, despite liking Dire Straits being uncool for those of us who consider ourselves to be musically elite.

Simone and Ben - What about chocolate coated pineapple lollies? They are fantastic.

Sophg and Ben - you should get a coffee machine on ebay and make your own coffee at home... actually, I wouldn't recommend buying a coffee machine on ebay...

Amy and Ben - I have no empathy for people who don't like licorice, only sympathy.

Amy said...

You don't have to be sympathetic to those who don't like licorice - means you get to eat it...

Anonymous said...

Chris L

1. fold
2. wasn't cool enough for one
3. green ones.
4. my violin
5. undersized bike pants
6. Cruella DeVille
7. compassionate, loyal, genuine
8. judgemental, intense, talkative
9. nothing compares to you
10. some undersized bike pants!

Happy Birthday Ben. have a great night.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Nathan, you're a strange bloke. Answering individually is a hard slog, and to do it when it's not even your job is self flaggelation.

Chris L- thanks for the well wishes, and I very excitedly and eagerly await my new shorts. Right in time for spring!

Izaac said...

Okay, it's my first time quizzing. I'm new to this, so please be gentle.
1. Scrunch. But the more important question is should the roll come over the top or under from the back. It must come over.
2. Zac
3. Yellow jubes
4. The Adventures of Lano and Woodley DVD - laughing just thinking about it.
5. The Adventures of Lano and Woodley DVD - how am I supposed to get any work done?
6. The CandyMan - which I never saw the movie but just the thought...
7. Mild OCD, ability to say it like it is, extroversion
8. Mild OCD, ability to say it like it is, extroversion.
9. Dashboard Confession - Turpentine Chaser
10. A Reader's Digest Lottery Ticket (which you may have already won)

Ben McLaughlin said...

Welcome Isaac! I'm very amped about my lottery ticket. My breath is very bated.

Laetitia :-) said...

1. Scrunch
2. High school nickname: "maths queen" or perhaps "karate kid"
3. Been a long time since I had a standard party mix but I'll go along with the pineapple (the real fruit is bad enough) and liquorice all-sorts (what a terrible thing to do to liquorice)
4. A good purchase: My "Accounting for Small Business - an Introduction" textbook from Queensland Textbook Warehouse - due to a mix-up at their end I got the workbook as well and when I called today they said I could keep it. Sweet!
5. A purchase you regret: (not sure that it counts as a purchase and I'm not totally responsible for it) - changing over from Optus to Telstra (we've only just got internet access after most of the week without - normally not a huge problem but had things to do this week that meant I had to use an internet cafe).
6. A movie villain that frightened you as a kid: can't remember any - Mum was pretty strict about what we could watch; funny thing though was that our family watched Dr Who but my grandmother wouldn't let us, fearing the monsters would give us nightmares.
7.Three of your better traits: attention to detail, intelligent, integrity (these three supplied by my husband)
8. Three of your worserer traits: arrogant, impatient, selfish with time (these three as assessed by me)
9. A song you can listen to on repeat: ones I'm learning to play; currently my big band CDs
10. The birthday present I can expect from you in the post any day now: sorry, due to dramas with Telstra I couldn't even send you an electronic cupcake (though it would also help here to be fb friends)