Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Easter Plans

What are your plans for the Easter break?

We are going up to Katoomba Easter Convention, and staying in a house with some friends in Blackheath. I'm really looking forward to it, it should be really nice. We've never been to the convention before, so it should be good. Apparently they have a pretty good creche thing going on, so hopefully me and E will be able to relax and listen to some talks together.

It's also Little i's Ist birthday tomorrow. Wow, it's hard for me to believe she's 1 already. It's pretty awesome to see her growing up- starting to dance, stand up, grow a mop of curly hair, nearly talk, sing (which kinda sounds like moaning) "Once Upon A Dream" from Sleeping Beauty. She's a funny little kid.

What about you, what are you going to get up to?


Laetitia :-) said...

Happy birthday to Little i.

We're going to Easterfest in Toowoomba. We'll be camping with some friends. For the first time, Ian is coming with me. It's also the first time we've gone camping together. Let's hope the weather is good. :-)

Ben McLaughlin said...

Thanks Laetitia- I like the new profile pic! Hope you have a great time camping. Happy Easter.

Georgina said...

Hi Ben, I hope you enjoy KEC. I've heard it's great.
I don't know - I want to see my sister - she's struggling badly, and I was maybe going to visit my aunt in Canberra. Though I don't have much will to do it.

Beth said...

It is hard to believe it's been a year already!!

Easter is an afternoon dinner at my parent's with some of my family. Otherwise just a quiet day all around.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Georgina- I hope you worked up the will to do that hard stuff, but that you fit in some rest and enjoyment aswell.

Beth- I hope you had a good one!