Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Monday, August 2, 2010

The Quiz

1. The thing you're best at cooking
2. Did you ever get the cane at school?
3. I take great pride in the fact that I...
4. I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that I...
5. You have three hours and $30 to spend by yourself. What will you do?


Ben McLaughlin said...

1. The thing you're best at cooking
2. Did you ever get the cane at school?
3. I take great pride in the fact that I...
4. I'm a bit embarressed to admit that I...
5. You have three hours and $30 to spend by yourself. What will you do?

Alistair Bain said...

1. Curries
2. no
3. still, at 37, do not have a filling in my teeth.
4. would like to be a bit like Horatio Caine.
5. Movies and food.

Simone R. said...

1. Pikelets
2. No.
3. Can squat for 6 minutes with 30kg on my shoulders.
4. Am considering watching 'Eclipse' at the cinemas for a second time.
5. Nice lunch in a coffee shop. Spend the left over money on itunes.

Amy said...

1. Everything if I am having a good day. Nothing on a bad.
2. Was gone by the time I hit grade three, and no anyway.
3. Keep on getting up in the morning
4. Don't drive
5. Bookshop. But only $30?

maso said...

1. steak on the BBQ
2. no. But we did go on a lot of excursions to cane farms :)
3. I can reverse parallel park first time
4. very, very occasionally I might scrape the kerb
5. Petrol money for a drive to the coast, surf (that's free), breaky after. 3hrs won't give me time to drive home again ... but oh, well.

Wendy said...

1. Biscuits
2. No
3. Can still fit into jeans I bought before I got married and had kids.
4. Don't like using the telephone with people I don't know.
5. Hmmm tough one, but I think I'm with both Amy and Simone. A coffee followed by a browse in a book store. I might buy something, I might not.

Pedro said...

1. My pad thai..
2. Yes. heaps.
3. Could still do a 'windmill' at the age of 40!
4. See above!!
5. Surf for 2 hours then eat 30 dollars worth!!

KIM said...

1. Cereal. Any brand.
2. Goodness no! They still do that?!
3. Will drop anything to talk to a friend at any time of day ... and that I can pull off amazing airport surprises!!
4. Read the Twilight books.
5. Phone a friend? Maybe ramble around the Rocks markets if I have to be alone.

onlinesoph said...

1. soups
2. No
3. Have perfect vision
4. check out my reflection whenever I walk past a window on the street
5. coffee, pastry and a new book

Laetitia :-) said...

1. The thing you're best at cooking - cakes
2. Did you ever get the cane at school? - No. Besides, they didn't cane girls anyway.
3. I take great pride in the fact that I... - know lots about traffic regulation in more than one jurisdiction, in fact, in more than one country.
4. I'm a bit embarressed to admit that I... - lost my ability to parallel park in one go when I lived in Walgett (nose in) and worked in Lightning Ridge (rear in). On the plus side I can reverse park into just about any shopping centre parking space. :-)
5. You have three hours and $30 to spend by yourself. What will you do? - Go to a quilt shop, drool over patterns in books and fabric choices, wish I'd brought my stash to know what colours I'm after, possibly buy a book, have a hot chocolate while reading said book.

Ruth said...

1. chicken & vegie pie
2. no, but some of the boys in my class did - and it terrified me.
3. have such wonderful parents
4. get paranoid when asked questions about hobbies
5. get a haircut and go to the movies

Georgina said...

1. Mmm, I make a pretty good lasagne.
2. No, and I never got detention. I cannot remember actually ever getting in trouble.
3. That I never got into trouble at school.
4. That I never got into trouble at school.
5. I might drive to Newcastle or Canberra and try to get in trouble at school.

Georgina said...


Beth said...

1. Lasagna
2. Yes
3. Am doing awesome in school
4. Have horrible debt
5. Dinner and a movie

Ben McLaughlin said...

1. Indian curries
2. Twice
3. Remember stuff about people that they tell me
4. Am still yet to get off my green P plates
5. Trawl through secondhand comics, spending about $23, then pore over my findings in McDonalds with a Big Mac meal deal.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Al- We should have a curry-off

Simone-Wow, a double Eclipse..strictly for the hardcore

Amy- I feel your number 4 pain

Maso- wow, first go parallel parking. It takes me about 4 goes when I'm alone, and maybe 17 if their are onlookers

Wendy- Don't worry I don't even like using the telephone with people I DO know

Pedro- I'm sad to have missed that legendary windmill. "All your homeboys are biters, so wassup with dat, punk!"

KIM- I hear you, cereal is the goods. It is a very trustworhy, dependable meal that never dissappoints. I get laughed at for having it for lunch at work sometimes.

Soph- I do the reflection check too! It never quite lives up to the hype..

Laetitia- Really, they didn't cane girls? I'm pretty sure they did at our school.

Ruth- Yum, that sounds like a good pie..

Georgina- AAAAAAAARGGGHHHH!! No ferrets! The world is out of balance! Please right this wrong asap.

Beth- Good on you for doing awesome in school!

Georgina said...

Dear Ben,
You made me LOL, which given the horrible sleep I (and every other Sydney-sider had last night) is a major achievement.

I'll try again:
1. Chicken soup for ferrets
2. No, but if I had the ferrets would probably steal it.
3. I love ferrets and I don't care who knows it.
4. I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that I love the smell of a sleepy ferret in the morning.
5. Try and persuade the NSW Ferret Welfare Society to sell me a ferret for $30. :p

That better? Lololololol...

Ben McLaughlin said...

Georgina- Equalibrium restored:)

Amy said...

I don't even have the Sydney traffic excuse as to why I don't drive either Ben!

So you have immense kudos from me for being on Ps!