Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Edward Rochester

After a bit of a hiatus from reading Jane Eyre, I got back into it this morning on the train. Jane met ol' sourpuss Rochester this morning too, so here he is--


Traxy said...

Oooh. I like that very much. He does look very disapproving and surly. I wonder how (and if) you'll turn out a lovey-dovey smiling Rochester!

Nice to see your drawing skillz again too! :)

Ali said...

Hmm, yes I think that works. You're living dangerously you know drawing our Rochester.

Simone R. said...

Very dangerously.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Thanks Traxy:)

Ali and Simone, yeah, I suspected this. All I can do is stay true to how I picture the old coot. I would only get into hot water if I tried to pander to the bookish crushes of female readers..

Simone R. said...

Keep reading. See if your picture of him changes.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Traxy, I just came across you reading the first two chapters of Jane Eyre! Sounds great, you should do more!

Simone R. said...


My feelings for Rochester are far deeper than crush.

Love. Eternal love.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Mental note: Smile politely, keeping eye contact, and walk slowly backwards from crazy lady

Ali said...

Make that two crazy ladies! Just keep reading. Rochester doesn't lend himself to anything that isn't deep and complex and enduring. He's one for the melancholics who, having met Rochester, could never love another again. Sigh ...

Ben McLaughlin said...

Well, I guess I can see the attraction- mean, angry alcho with a stack of baggage. Sign me up.

Ali said...

Nothing you say will have any power to influence a woman in love. What do cold, hard, merely external facts have to do with anything?