Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Quiz

1. Monarchy or republic?
2. I'm resigned to the fact that...
3. I don't understand how anyone can not like...
4. A phrase you're sick of hearing
5. Add up all the different places you've lived in throughout your life. What number is the place you're in now?


Georgina said...
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Ben McLaughlin said...

1. Monarchy or republic?
2. I'm resigned to the fact that...
3. I don't understand how anyone can not like...
4. A phrase you're sick of hearing
5. Add up all the different places you've lived in throughout your life. What number is the place you're in now?

Georgina said...

1. Monarchy all the way. It works.
2. I'm resigned to the fact that virtually no one appreciates the joy that is the ferret.
3. I don't understand how anyone can not like chocolate.
4. Single people have so much free time.
5. Apart from New College where I am living now is the best. I mostly have lived in pretty crappy places.

Simone R. said...

1. Don't care. Happy with what we've got but would be fine with change too.
2. I don't have a daughter.
3. Weet-Bix crunchy honey bites.
4. We should make decisions based on what's best for us and our family
5. #13 now.

Georgina said...

Whoops, I realised I answered #5 wrong.
Let me see, based on an estimate from when I was in South Africa, of 2 houses, plus one in Australia, plus 2 in America, plus Newcastle, plus Canberra, plus Newcastle, and about 7 homes since Sydney = about 15? Not sure exactly.

Pedro said...

Welcome back Benno...
1. republic.
2. My knees are stuffed from smashing bikes and that I will never have the joint mobility I once had.
3. getting up to greet the sunrise.
4. LOL or any such acronym type vomit.
5. Number 8 I think...

Amy said...

1. Republic, but not US style
2. I will never be a child prodigy
3. Reading
4. 'We was robbed' or variants thereof re the election
5. Hmmm. I reckon this would be number 13 or so.

onlinesoph said...

1. don't mind either way. It all just seems a bit symbolic to me rather than an actual change.
2. harem pants will never look good on me.
3. 90s pop music
4. moving forward.
5. 5.

Ben McLaughlin said...

1. Not bovvered
2. I'll probably not get to see Inception on the big screen
3. The Beatles
4.'The broadband issue'
5. #9

Ruth said...

1. Monarchy while Bess is alive, republic when Charlie takes the throne.
2. I will always have washing to hang on the line
3. being up to watch the sunrise
4. No offence, but...
5. 15 (am looking forward to hopefully not moving again for a long time)

Laetitia :-) said...

1. Monarchy or republic? - I'm with Ruth
2. I'm resigned to the fact that... while I'm obviously of child-bearing age, I will always get questions along the lines of, "When are you having children?" and when I'm obviously menopausal I will get, "Do you ever wish you'd had children?" and both questions will be followed by, "Why?" when I answer.
3. I don't understand how anyone can not like... big band music.
4. A phrase you're sick of hearing - I'm with onlinesoph on this one. Blimey people, how about using one word instead of two - it's called progress / progressing.
5. Add up all the different places you've lived in throughout your life. What number is the place you're in now? - 13, counting temporary accommodation where we changed our address on the electoral roll or driver's licences but not any individual place twice even if there was a gap in residence (e.g. living at my parents' house more than once).

maso said...

1. monarchy
2. ...the nearest surf beach is an hour's drive from my house
3. the beach
4. I'll be partisan ... both 'stop the boats' and 'moving forwards'
5. 13. (Not bad considering the first 16 years were in the same place.)

Wendy said...

1. Don't really mind.
2. I will never speak Japanese well.
3. fruit
4. Your kids must be fluent in Japanese (we've lived here most of their lives).
5. #17 (counting only places I've been in more than a month).

Dawn Merz said...

1. Monarchy. And I'm even an American who has now adopted this country.
2. I am resigned to the fact that I am not in a chapter in my life when I can raise my own meat.
3. How can anyone not like coffee?
4. "You Americans always say"...
5. This is number twelve and continent number three.

Helen said...

1. Monarchy
2. I am the 'minister's wife'
3. Chocolate
4. "Mummy, watch my trick show"
5. 13

Ben McLaughlin said...

Georgina- It's a dark world that can't recognise ferret beauty.

Simone-It's funny that you say that as a phrase you don't like. I have been just thinking the same thing, though I wonder if it's for the same reasons..

Pedro-With you on 3. Though I used to be on the other team.

Amy-I mourn my lost opportunities of being a child prodigy as well. I still firmly believe I couldv'e been an awesome gymnast.

Soph-Ah, harem pants. I'm not sure many people can work them, except maybe Princess Jasmine and MC Hammer.

Ruth-Oh yeah, you just know you ARE going to be offended!

Laetitia-I guess we all have annoying questions that we get asked.

Maso-If the beach won't come to Maso, Maso must go to the beach.

Wendy-17? Wow, I think that makes you the winner.

Dawn-Welcome to the quiz! Wow, that's an interesting thing to be resigned to! Have you raised your own meat in the past?

Helen- Yeah, being the captive audience to the kids can get old!

KIM said...

1. ummm, for me, republic, for you, monarchy? i just like the idea of actually having princes around to marry!
2. my mother will make me eat big dinners every night she's here
3. rollercoasters
4. i know there's a ton, but suddenly i can't think of any of them ...!
5. every single different place, or just major moves? every single i think is 13 and major places changes rack up to 5.

Aimee said...

1. Monarchy, for the moment.
2. As much as I might like playing the piano, I'll never be very good at it.
3. reading a good book
4. 'when do you leave?'(not so much that people are curious, more that it's sad to say goodbye)
5. I would say about 17 (and three countries!)

Ben McLaughlin said...

Kim- I'm one of your rollercoaster people. I am a big sooky blouse and am way too scared to go on one of those crazy things. I went on one and nearly had a coniption.

Aimee-Well I was going to say when do you leave, but now I feel I'd better not..

Laetitia :-) said...

You mean I'm not the only one who took a while to learn that the better way to ask is to say, "How long are you here for?"