Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Lake Mungo

Watched this last week. Very, very good. Not 'scary' in the traditional sense, but very unsettling. One of those ones that sticks with you.

When there are so many dud Aussie films being made, it baffles me that something as good as this went under the radar. I hadn't even heard of it.



Pedro said...

Neither have I. Whats it all about then?

Ben McLaughlin said...

It's basicly a ghost story, made in the style of a documentary. It's REALLY well done.

Karen said...

I couldn't remember having seen it, but since I like Australian films I thought I might have seen it and forgotten. When I googled it, I remembered we did watch it on DVD a while ago. But I went to sleep during it (had a baby at the time, easily done when sleep deprived). Chris made it to the finish and said it was quite good. May have to give it another go.