Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

More Important Things

Gotta say, it's a pretty quiet time in ol' Blogland. Posting is at a low. I check around the blogs of a morning and I see neglect. What was once a rich and thriving archipelago of lush interconnected islands is now a slough of despond. My heart weeps.

Everyone's very busy doing More Important Things, I spose. Like desperately trying to uphold their new years resolutions (must not waste time on the computer, must see friends more, must go to the gym, must use Abtronic 4000 for 30 minutes each afternoon, must only eat two portions of carbs every second leap year, must write a novel a week).

I don't like when people are busy with More Important Things. It makes me feel kiddish. Like when you were a wee bairn and just wanted to spend like, seven hours playing a board game with your siblings, but they had better things to do, and would quit Monopoly before you'd even made it once around the board, leaving you soundly devvo'd. Like there were ever more important things than seven hour game stints with your little brother.

Let it be known, that a blog is like a puppy. Once it's yours, it's YOURS. You are responsible for this little life. You can't wake up one day and say, take care of yourself, Spot, I have Serious Business to attend to. Spot must be fed. Spot must be walked. Spot leaves little bonuses around the yard which must be scooped up.

I know you have Important Things. But stop and think about your Blog Puppy. Can you hear the whimpers? He is slowly dying, because you haven't fed him since December. He is traipsing around in his own filth. Go to him. Go to him!

Do you realise I just gave you a proper talking to, without you even knowing it?

Moral of the story, forget your carbs and whatnot, and throw your Blog a bone.


RodeoClown said...

Sorry dude, although you may have noticed that I have at least updated... twice this year!

Karen said...

I just threw mine a bone, but it's not a very exciting one....

Nathan said...

6 posts today. Is that enough? I have more...

Ben McLaughlin said...

Rodeo- I know.. when I saw those 2 posts, it was like I stepped into some kind of alternate world dreamland.

Karen- Good to hear. A bone is a bone, as I always say.

Nathan- You know I'd never doubt YOU Nath. Your puppy is fed to the pojnt of gassy bloating.

KIM said...

my puppy's alive!! a post a day keeps the dullness at bay!

(it's NOT, for the record, that i don't have lots of seriously very important things to take care of -- it's more that it's a good way of avoiding them. and besides, there's that handy little "schedule post" feature ...)

Wendy said...

Have you looked at my blog lately? I'm posting daily. Yesterday I even posted a funny, embarrassing story.

onlinesoph said...

my blog is one of those puppies on its last breath. But it's not because I have More Important Things to do. It's because lately I've had Nothing Interesting to Say!

Anonymous said...

'Feed the blogs, feed the blogs'
Refrain of a Mary Poppins homage song I'll finish one day.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Kim, yeah I should make more use of the scheduled post. It's a good idea.

Wendy, I did look, it's good to see some posts coming thick and fast.

Aw, cmon Soph. The Fountainside has always been one of my fav's. I think it's a misconception that an interesting post neccessarily has to be about something big, heady and topical.

Gary, I'm going to make a shirt saying 'Feed The Blogs'