Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Monday, June 16, 2008

Done Me Back

I did my back in the other day. We were minding my little nephew for the day, and I was changing his nappy on our bed. He had on one of those pull-up things, rather than a nappy-- something as yet beyond my expertise.

As I was to find out later, these rip down the sides, for ease of removal. But instead I tried to take them off like regular pants, with my nephew standing up on our bed. Now, if you close your eyes and imagine, it is not very easy to do this whilst keeping the 'contents' of said pull-up present and accounted for.

But things were going pretty well, and the pull-up was midway between knee and ankle, when things went awry. A remnant hitherto undisclosed had been biding it's time in the depths. Hiding. Waiting. Anticipating. And then fell, in slow motion, deftly missing the pull-up and landing with a wet plod on the doona.

It was then that I panicked, and with a little yelp, lunged too late, to try and prevent the unpreventable mess, and somehow pulled a muscle in my back. Unable to move, but still propping up my oblivious nephew with one hand, and trying to wipe up the escaped contents, I called to E for reinforcements.

Days later my back still hurts, and I'm walking funny, sort of waddling like I've had a contents mishap of my own.


Pedro said...

yoga..... yoga, yoga yoga.
I have this Cd which might interest you.
You must have been expecting this, surely.

Ben McLaughlin said...

kick a man while he's down, why don't you.

Sadly I have no cd player, dvd player, computer or television, so unfortunately I wont be able to borrow that from you.

But thanks for the offer.

Pedro said...

I'll bring you your cane to help you to your a year or two, eh?

Ben McLaughlin said...

ok, thanks Maharishi