Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Monday, August 18, 2008


It's a bit of a big time for our church at the moment. Big renovations start this week, so for the next year we are 'camping' at other locations. Yesterday we met somewhere else for the first time, and it seemed to go pretty smoothly. On Saturday we had a big working bee to clear the site ready for the builders to come. It was good to be part of it, and to see how much everyone was willing to chip in.

You gotta admire Dominic, as someone who is willing to lead his congregation through difficulties, because he has a bigger picture of how things could be improved in the long run. He asked yesterday for people to voice their concerns. My concerns were that some people might slip through the cracks during the process, and also that newer people in the congregation might be skeptical about how necessary the renovations are, and why bigger is better for our church..


Christine said...

Hi Ben. Yes I too thank God for Dominic - it's too easy to take our church for granted. I am thankful to God that we are able to serve him in a bible believing faithful teaching church such as ours.
I was really excited about church in the new location last night. It felt like family - it was wonderful to see people pulling together in team work to pack up at the end. There was a real sense of togetherness in Christ. While there are many concerns, it is only by God's strength that will we continue to glorify God's name in Annandale.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Hey Christine-

Yeah, I am feeling excited about church too. It is great to see people pulling together to make this all happen. I gathered from Craig's blog that the evening service was held in the community that right? Morning was in the Uniting church. What was the community centre like? Did it have an ok vibe?

Christine said...

Hey Ben
Yes it did..and it had heaters (which we heard you didn't have in the morning!) Hold out for the hope of heaters this week morning people! :)
The room is obviously very different, the first thing I noticed was the stark fluro lighting. But the kitchen is great (it has everything you'd want, stove, microwave, sinks x 3, fridge, dishwasher) the toilets are 'nice' and I also noticed an outside garden play area - with grass! yes grass in the inner west :) A few of my friends were discussing how nice it will be for morning people to let there kids play outside without the fear of them running on the road.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Heaters! That sounds good.. It was freeeeezing! A play area will be great. That is something that will do the world of good to all those crazy kids..

Yeah, I guess the vibe will be pretty different, with that ligting.. but for all the bonus facilities it should be a really nice change I think.

soph said...

I agree Christine that it felt like family, in a good way. I think being stripped back to basics, and everyone having to help out will really bring us together. I think my main fear is the set up - getting those chairs down from upstairs was a big job, when there's only 3 of you!

Ben McLaughlin said...

yeah-- I guess maybe it would be good in the service for someone to outline all the work required for set up/pack up, so people realise it's such a big job, then people will probably pitch in more..