Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Cup Day

Few things light my fire less than the Melbourne Cup. There are so many things about it that annoy me. Pretend celebs posing in dumb hats and borrowed jewelery. Annoying drunk people throwing away their money on bets. Weird little men with funny voices riding horses with silly names.

(Yikes it just hit me that I probably could have become one of those men..)

At my work they have a nibblies and drinks thing upstairs where everyone from the company trudges up to watch the race. I don't mind this part of it. There are two pretty big pros that go along way towards outweighing the cons:

1. Free food
2. An excuse to stop work

I don't know whether criticising the whole thing, only to then join in is being hypocritical or being 'all things to all people'. I won't bet or get drunk, but can I not throw down a few free egg sandwiches and have a beer?

What do you do during the Melbourne Cup?


onlinesoph said...

I don't know. It's one of my "christian in the workplace" dilemmas. why do I care what people think of me so much?

Anonymous said...

Chris found out last Melbourne Cup that racing can be damaging to the horses as well. Apparently they can cough blood afterwards from stressing themselves out so much. Not sure where that fact came from but still fairly unpleasant.

Ben McLaughlin said...

i don't know soph. I do too. I think there are good aspects to this, but also bad.

em, that angers me. It's not really surprising though. And who wants some annoying little bloke riding them and yelling in there ear?

Colinmac said...

I try may hardest to pretend it is not happening but I have been pretty well the only one doing so in most places I have worked. They all think I am weird and a party pooper.

Kymmy said...

Hey Ben .. I hate the Melbourne cup as well. When I worked at the Christian radio station we put the results at the end of the news. And it was near on impossible to get anyone to talk about anything after 11 o'clock in the morning.
It's a bit awkward at work ... agreed. I don't have a problem going in the office sweep but that's about as far as I'd go.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Good to hear from you Kym:) Yeah the office sweep is about my limit too.