Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

R.I.P, Nibblies

Boy. It was a bad idea to skip lunch. Those were some sorry nibblies. Some little squiggle of raw meat whacked in a slither of Lebanese bread, the perfect bite size for a baby with a tiny mouth. Some semi-cooked mystery meat meatballs the texture of warm, wet sawdust. A frozen prawn on some slimy bit of curried egg.

Now don't think me ungrateful, but I really mourn the days of the decent nibblies. These days it's all little tiny portions of weird, uncooked, slimy things that look like the scrapings from the vegetable compartment of your fridge. More expensive, less filling, not nice tasting. Or even worse, fruit and meat. Together.

What is wrong with the tried and true? Grab a forty pack of sausage rolls and party pies from Woollies, a few mini frankfurts, maybe some cheese on Jatz. Awww, man, what I wouldn't give for a few cheese on Jatz right now.

And no egg sandwiches? Is this a joke? I'm not laughing.


SamR said...

Your image looks like one of those motivation posters - you know the ones with the black borders and the captions like 'perserverance' underneath an image of a rock climber or something.

I reckon you could market this one for workplaces, or at least to put in the office of the person responsible for catering the cup lunch...

Ali said...

Ben, you're too funny! I did exactly what you did and ignored the whole thing except to go upstairs in search of free food. But this year I actually scored, unlike last year when there were a few chips somewhere out of reach in the crowd - I came away with two Tim Tams and a fistful of lollies!!

But it was pretty exciting I have to say! How close was that finish?!

Anonymous said...

Don't get me started on fruit and meat together.

With the exception of citrus and perhaps a hawaiian pizza no fruit and meats go together. And yes that does mean apricot chicken.

The worst thing about being pregnant is no processed meats :( RIP cocktail franks.


Ben McLaughlin said...

yeah good idea sam. I think I might put it on a tshirt as well.

Hey ali- nice to know someone else is just in it for the snacks as well. Yeah it was an exciting finish. But I still felt really sorry for the poor old horses. They look like they are pushed to the absolute brink. If you ignore the context though, they really are amazingly beautiful animals.

Hi em- yeah, my worst combo is rockmelon and proscuito. Hey lets put two completely evil things together, and make an infinitely more evil thing out of it. It's the result of the Fall, I think.

Ouch, no processessed meats... without the 'process' your just eating a chunk of animal, which isn't really appetising at all..

goldy said...

We had prunes wrapped in bacon at ours....

Ben McLaughlin said...

hey goldy-- wow, that is like retro meets the now..But still very offensive. Was it tasty?

Colinmac said...

Yeah I am with you on this one. Remember the weird stuff we got at the Tim Winton interview.

Ben McLaughlin said...

oh yeah that was rough going dad-- and even worse, that wasn't even pretending to be finger food but was calling itself a 'meal'.

goldy said...

Looked offensive, but tasted wicked! Apparently called devils saddles.