Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Disconcerted #1: Her Butt For Him

You know what disconcerts me? Men who have women's bottoms.

You are walking behind some bloke, and you just sense that something isn't quite right. It's hard to pin point exactly what's wrong, but the tell tale signs are a bit too much of a sway with each step, and a little too much width in the hip.

Now, I know you are thinking I'm being ridiculous, or nasty, but I'm really not. I just believe in everything in it's right place. And these types don't do themselves any favours either. What they want is a straight-legged jean, and a jacket that covers the offending area. It's not rocket science. Instead they wear a strange, high-waisted trouser with little pleats. This should not be.

On a side note, these are also usually the kind of guys who shave half an inch too high around the ears, but don't get me started on that.


Anonymous said...

Lol!! I work with a guy like that. And he walks like a girl too which makes his butt wiggle. It's too funny.

Ben McLaughlin said...

funny, but in a vaguely disturbing way..

Anonymous said...

Women can have men's bums too (ie 'no bum') and thats outa place, but i guess it all comes down to where you put weight on.

Ben McLaughlin said...

oh, yes, I forgot about them-- still, I don't find them quite as creepy.