Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Friday, March 27, 2009

Thursday Night Warrior

You might think I'm a little strange, but last night I went and caught the late session of Friday The 13th (the remake) on my own.

E said to have a night out, so after dinner and stuff I drove excitedly to Burwood with my pre-prepared-much-cheaper-than-the-movies-party-mix-in-a-zip-lock-bag lollies and loud metal cd for the car.

I love horror movies, and have gotten into the routine of seeing them on my own, predominantly because nobody else likes them, but also because I like the extra scare-factor of being alone. I want my money's worth.

Anyways, me and the four other people in the cinema enjoyed it. It was suitably scary, and a pretty faithful remake of the 80's original.

Really the scariest part of the evening was when I got lost coming home. I took some dumb road where I couldn't turn right onto Parra rd, and then went off and took a million other wrong turns, ending up in some part of town I'd never seen before, finally finding my way home via Uluru.


Stuart Heath said...

I prefer going to the cinema on my own. Far easier to suspend one's disbelief.

Not sure I'll pony up for this one, though.

Anonymous said...

I also love the solo movie experience. Think I've seen more on my own in the last 6 years than with other people. The only downside - the post-movie chat is very hard to have on your own. You've then got to find someone else who's seen it.

I also doubt this is one I'll go see...

Stuart Heath said...

That's why you start a blog, Andrew.

Ali said...

Ben, I hope you've read this:


Ben McLaughlin said...

you guys don't know what yr missing out on.

Lairdy, the post-movie chat is actually quite good, because you don't argue with yourself. It's kind of an extension of that 'self-talk' stuff you taught me about.

Ali, thanks for that trully awesome link:)