Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Monday, July 27, 2009

If You Quiz Me Now You'll Take Away The Biggest Part Of Me

1.White, milk or dark?
2.You're in a film. It's your first scene. The door opens and you enter the room. What song is playing in the background?
3.The first album you really loved
4.What time did you get up this morning?
5.A movie you've watched at least five times
6.Something you hate doing and procrastinate with
7.Three people who inspire you
8.I know it's silly, but I'm likely to lose my temper at..
9.The decade you get most nostalgic about
10.Your super power of choice


Ben McLaughlin said...

1.White, milk or dark
2.You're in a film. It's your first scene. The door opens and you enter the room. What song is playing in the background?
3.The first album you really loved
4.What time did you get up this morning?
5.A movie you've watched at least five times
6.Something you hate doing and procrastinate with
7.Three people who inspire you
8.I know it's silly, but I'm likely to lose my temper at..
9.The decade you get most nostalgic about
10.Your super power of choice

SamR said...

1. Milk
2. Even better than the real thing (U2) - esp that first bit.
3. Michael Jackson Dangerous.
4. 7:15 (Monday sleep in yessss)
5. The Blues Brothers
6. Filing
7. My old youth pastor, My Dad, my wife. (was gonna put Jesus, but figured I could put four in this way)
8. People who can't reverse park
9. This one
10. Flying.

Nathan said...

1. Milk.
2. It really depends on the movie. If it's a kung fu movie and I'm the protagonist then it's something like Breathe by the Prodigy or I Against I by Mos Def, if it's a comedy then it's the Cheesecake Truck song by King Missile, if it's an uplifting social commentary then it's probably something off the Forrest Gump soundtrack, or perhaps Call Me Al...
3. Graceland, Paul Simon - or Brothers in Arms, Dire Straits.
4. 8.05
5. Baseketball
6. Tidying my desk, reading blogs that annoy me (not yours)
7. My wife, umm... my parents (they're married so count as one person right?), Jesus (this way I don't offend anybody else - how can you argue you should be in there ahead of Jesus...)
8. People who disagree with me.
9. 90s.
10. The ability to walk through stuff.

Ben McLaughlin said...

2.the opening riff of Back in Black (AC/DC) Ja! Ja-Na-Na! Ja-Na-Na!
3.Whispering Jack by John Farnham
5.Donnie Darko
6.Filling out forms. Drew an cd cover ages ago- still haven't written out the dumb invoice to get paid.
7.Eliza my wife, Charles Schultz, Clarice Beckett
8.the cupboard of piled up tupperware, that tumbles out if you so much as breathe on it.
9.From about 1984-94
10.flying or invisibility

Pedro said...

1. Dark
2. Danger Zone (Kenny Loggins)
3. Destiny (Jacksons) 1979 I think
4. 6:15 ish...
5. Transformers
6. My quarterly BAS statement
7. My Dad, BJ, laird hamilton

8. People who write blogs
9. Der, 80's!!
10. Flying

Good way to start the week brethra!

Hicksy said...

1. Dark
2. Ironman - Black Sabbath
3. Unmasked - Kiss
4. 8:00am - nice
5. The Great Escape
6. Cleaning leaves off the roof
7. Dad, Tony (old football coach), Stu
8. Slow walkers
9. 80's
10. Stop time

Simone R. said...

1. milk
2. ?
3. the cure - disintegration
4. 5.33
5. twilight
6. paperwork.
7. sophie hannah, stuart townend, charles wesley
8. ads on tv with good caring women on them - like panadol ads, or those ads were someone is telling us about a product they (apparently) love. hate them hate them hate them hate them.
9. 80s
10. mind reading and flying

onlinesoph said...

yay - the highlight of my blog calendar - Ben's quizzes!

1. Milk
2. The Fear by Lily Allen
3. Girlfriend's Make it Come True
4. 6:50am
5. Anne of Green Gables
6. Printing out and filing my pay slips
7. My husband, my dad, the women from my church (sorry, that's not three is it?)
8. when I stub my toe or kick my shin on the side of the bed
9. The 90s
10. Flying!

booth_street said...

1. Green and Black's dark, with spices
2. Hiccups by Darren Hanlon
3. Matchbox 20 - yourself or something like you (shame! but i was like 11).
4. 8am
5. Donnie Darko(weird - same as you ben!)and Waking Life
6. Washing up
7. CS Lewis, faithful friends and my Mum
8. our neighbours using our washing powder without asking
9. 90s
10. flying

sophie said...

that was me, sorry logged in wrong profile

Georgina said...

Yay Ben's quiz!
1. White
2. Summertime
3. Cats the Musical
4. 7.20am
5. Nothing. I don't think I've seen any movie 5 times.
6. Filing!
7. My friend Roni who's a missionary, my friend Sammi who's the most patient person I've ever seen, and my ex-boss
8. Small children - not that I actually lose it in front of them.
9. 90's
10. Ability to change people's mind

maso said...

these quizzes are so cool...

1. Milk
2. 'Brothers in Arms' by Dire Straits
3. 'The Very Best of Cat Stevens'
4. 7:25 (how embarrassing) ... but I was still at my desk at work by 8:20
5. 'Dead Poet's Society'
6. Folding/putting away the washing
7. Lance Armstrong (overlooking the fact that he left his first wife), my uncle, my grandfather ( orphaned, came to Australia at 14, did Kokoda, Borneo and the Middle East in WW2)
8. hmm ... no nothing comes to mind ... loosing my temper isn't something I really do ... what would be the point?
9. 1993 - 2002
10. I'm with Hicksy on this one ... I want to be able to stop time

kristina said...

1. Milk
2. Take Another little Piece of My Heart...Janis
3. I don't remember which one- by Madonna
4. I am too embarrassed to admit it. I hit the snooze button a lot.
5. The Lost Boys
6. Dishes.
8. Driving.
9. 80's
10. Invisibility