Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Monday, October 26, 2009

A Quiz Every Monday Keeps The Doctor Away

1. Wouldn't be caught dead in
2. Favourite 'I know it's bad for me but it's so awesome' breakfast cereal
3. Did you ever get the cane at school?
4. A movie you'd like to see
5. How many times do you hit the button on the traffic light to cross the road- once, or a bunch?
6. Do you look better in the morning or late at night?
7. How much money would it take for you to eat a live cockroach
8. On average, how many pieces of fruit would you eat a day?
9. The best thing about your job
10. Do you ever get the impression your friendly neighbourhood quizmaster is running out of questions? He is.


Ben McLaughlin said...

1. Wouldn't be caught dead in
2. Favourite 'I know it's bad for me but it's so awesome' breakfast cereal
3. Did you ever get the cane at school?
4. A movie you'd like to see
5. How many times do you hit the button on the traffic light to cross the road- once, or a bunch?
6. Do you look better in the morning or late at night?
7. How much money would it take for you to eat a live cockroach
8. On average, how many pieces of fruit would you eat a day?
9. The best thing about your job
10. Do you ever get the impression your friendly neighbourhood quizmaster is running out of questions? He is.

RodeoClown said...

1 - A "Life Be In It" T-shirt.
2 - Last night I discovered that cornflakes with caramel topping is fantastic.
3 - No. I'm too young for that. I used a cane after my knee reconstruction though.
4 - King of Kong
5 - Depends on the road. If I'm bored, I'll tap in time to the beeping.
6 - I always look fantastic, but slightly better at night (no morning hair).
7 - More than you have.
8 - 1 or 2
9 - I get to go on the internet all day. And get paid for it.
10 - I do indeed. He should make them shorter. 3 questions per Monday would probably drag things out a bit more.

RodeoClown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
onlinesoph said...

1. animal fur
2. Crunchy nut cornflakes
3. ?? Was I born in the early 1900s?
4. New York, I love you
5. A bunch
6. Morning
7. I'd do it for a down payment on a house
8. 1 to 2
9. Free magazines
10. Would you like help thinking of some? I'm great at thinking of quiz questions, would you believe I do it as part of my job (should have put that as my answer in number 9)

Ruth said...

1. orange clothes
2. rice bubbles
3. no, other children in my year did, but I was too terrified to be naughty at school
4. HP 7 - but it hasn't been made yet...
5. a bunch, definitely - cause then the machine thinks there are lots of people waiting, so it hurries up....although my youngest boy thinks it starts again from scratch if you hit it more than once...where did that idea come from?
6. Morning
7. a lot
8. two
9. my kids
10. what?! Never. It's a good thing you've got a whole other 6 days to think up some more then!

Ruth said...

Oh Soph - now I feel really old, because I remember children being caned at school - but I can't remember girls being caned, only boys...

Pedro said...

1. sandals
2. Corn Flakes
3. Oh yeah.
4. Astro Boy
5. once.
6. When it's darker...Night!!
7. sorry. not gonna happen.
8. minimum 2...sometimes up to 6.
9. I draw cartoons for a living, come on!!
10. Yes.

onlinesoph said...

lol, you're not old Ruth, I've just never heard of that happening except in books.

Nathan said...

1. Spotlight.
2. Milo. I love cereal. I don't think it should be pigeonholed as a breakfast meal.
3. Sugar cane. Yes. I'm too young for the other cane, and I've never taken cocaine either...
4. Inglorious Bastards.
5. A bunch.
6. Late at night. Though it depends what I'm looking for.
7. $500
8. 2.
9. I get to do some pretty fun stuff. Like sailing trips.
10. Not really.

Nathan said...

I don't think rice bubbles or corn flakes qualify as breakfast cereals that are bad for you.

Ben McLaughlin said...

1. fluro
2. fruit loops
3. twice- both times on the bottom/ thigh
4. Where The Wild Things Are
5. Many, many times
6. I look great just before bed. The rest of the day I look rubbish
7. $1000
8. 1
9. that I can provide for my peeps by drawing pictures
10. No, his questions are always awesome and fantastic

Ben McLaughlin said...

Rodeo- Caramel corn flakes sound good. Will give it a go. Really? You'd be satisfied with 3 questions? Hmm.. maybe 5. Or maybe I'll press on with 10 out of spite.

Soph- I looove crunchy nut cornflakes. So great. I love when you get the little clusters in there now and then.

Yeah, throw some questions over my way some time!

Ruth- Wow.. rice bubbs are my healthy option. With a sprinkle of sugar as well!

I like the way you have imbued the road crossing button with a complex personality!

Pedro- Corn flakes too?? Oh man. If corn flakes are bad for me, I give up, it's not worth it.

C'mon, surely you'd eat a roach for a grand?

Nathan- $500. That's pretty impressive. I'd probably do $499 just so I could beat you in the toughness stakes, but it'd be hard. If it were dead, that's one thing. But having that horrible thing alive in my mouth... hard.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Incidently, in my younger, more desperate years I ate a small slug for $20. I had tongue slime for a couple of days afterwards.

With the maturity I have since gained I wouldn't do such a thing for any less than say, $25.

Wendy said...

1. Pink
2. Hash browns. I don't really like 'bad-for-you' cereal, but hash browns are awesome.
3. Nope
4. Heaps, we've missed so many while we're overseas. "Australia" would be one.
5. Usually once.
6. Morning. My eyes get an unnatural sheen late at night.
7. No money would entice me to do that.
8. 2
9. Flexibility
10. Maybe. Do you need help?

Amy said...

1. Ugh boots outside the house
2. Rice bubbles probably
3. Never (I'm a good girl, I am)
4. The Imaginarium of Dr Parnassus (or however it's spelt)
5. Just once, most of the time.
6. Late at night.
7. Would actually be a consideration for 5 million. But that probably wouldn't be enough to pay for all the counselling.
8. One.
9. Drawing pretty pictures...
10. There are always more questions...

Amy said...

I believe Nathan ate a live cricket for far less than $500 in high school. (He may have cooked it on a bunsen first).

He's been waiting years for me to bring that up!

Georgina said...

1. Wouldn't be caught dead in yellow clothes. ewwwww
2. Chocolate? I don't really like much breakfast cereal, though I suppose cocoa pops then.
3. HAH! I never even got into trouble at school. No detention and absolutely no cane.
4. HP6 (didn't get to see it when it was at the cinema)
5. Sometimes not at all. I work in downtown Sydney. Somebody's probably pressed it...
6. Late at night. Lovely shadows make my face look better.
7. $100? Maybe more, actually.
8. 2-3
9. Working with the students and seeing them grow and develop as adults
10. Nooooooooooooooooooooo

Georgina said...

Oh no, I didn't mention ferrets!!

1. Ferret fur
2. Ferretilicious mmmm
3. No, and I never cane my ferrets either.
4. HP6 (I think it has a ferret in it!)
5. If I'm hyped up by the ferrets, a lot!
6. The ferrets seem to like my face in the morning...
7. I would eat a live cockroach, but I would never eat a pet ferret.
8. As many as the ferrets don't steal
9. I get to go home and play with my ferrets
10. What about some ferret questions?

maso said...

1. bike riding lycra
2. I eat the good cereal but I pile on way too much sugar
3. No
4. Van Diemen's Land
5. three or four
6. night
7. $20,000
8. one to two
9. the people I work with
10. No. These are cool questions. Maybe you could invite question suggestions or even have a 'guest quiz master' for different weeks?

goldy said...

1. most of the current fashion
2. i hate cereal - it goes soggy. Soggy really upsets me. But if I've got time I like cocopops, but i have to only milk up 1 mouthful at a time so it doesn't gosoogy., some boys did. Girls got the ruler, but not me.
4. the new one dircted by Donnie Darko's director, but I can't remember its name.
6. late
7. too hard to really know, because I know this scenario wont ever happen - it would have to be a large amount
8. how many pieces of fruit are in a whole item of fruit? if a whole apple consists of several pieces of fruit then i eat several.
9. I like it.
10. nope

onlinesoph said...

I don't think rice bubbles or corn flakes qualify as breakfast cereals that are bad for you.

Well they're certainly not good for you.

Amy said...

I don't think rice bubbles or corn flakes qualify as breakfast cereals that are bad for you.

Especially with the amount of sugar you have to add to make them not taste like cardboard.

Nathan said...

But Soph - the boxes say they're both nutritious and delicious.

Amy - it was a dragonfly. Charred. It was really just a stick of dragonfly imbued charcoal.

onlinesoph said...

nutritious and delicious - oxymoron :)

Simone R. said...

1. yellow
2. ? If I was going to eat a bad for me cereal, I'd just go for a block of chocolate or toast with inch thick butter on it.
3. no - too young and too female
4. next twilight one.
5. about 58.
6. ?
7. $100,000,000,000,000.98
8. 1
9. I get to stand up in front of people.
10. yes. but only cause you mentioned it.

Laetitia :-) said...

1. Wouldn't be caught dead in - a yellow shirt (they make me look dead or most of the way there).
2. Favourite 'I know it's bad for me but it's so awesome' breakfast cereal - possibly Cocoa-pops
3. Did you ever get the cane at school? - No, I'm a girl.
4. A movie you'd like to see - the Johnny Depp version of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.
5. How many times do you hit the button on the traffic light to cross the road- once, or a bunch? - a bunch for something to do while I'm waiting unless I have a book to read.
6. Do you look better in the morning or late at night? - ask Ian.
7. How much money would it take for you to eat a live cockroach - depends on the species, age and geographical region they live in - baby Australian native would not be as costly as a Queensland dwelling non-native type.
8. On average, how many pieces of fruit would you eat a day? - Fruit (and veg) pretty much make up my diet; I'm not going to bother trying to count them.
9. The best thing about your job - tough choice - when a project finishes and the client is happy.
10. Do you ever get the impression your friendly neighbourhood quizmaster is running out of questions? He is. - That's ok, Ben - we've got you as our quizmaster so it doesn't matter if the neighbourhood one runs out of questions. :-)

beth said...

1. Plaid
2. Cap'n Crunch with Crunch Berries
3. No
4. 2012
5. Once
6. Late at night
7. Not enough money in the world.
8. one
9. No Job!!
10. Lol

Ben McLaughlin said...

Wendy- Oh yeah, hash browns are very awesome. Yes, I probably need help with the quiz questions, but am too proud and stubborn to ask.

Amy- 5 million? Wow. Who knew cockroaches were worth so much..

Georgina-I agree, yellow just doesn't seem to work on many people. I know I couldn't pull it off. Nice work with the ferret orientated alternative answers.

Maso- Hey, I really like your guest quiz master idea. That sounds great. I will give this some thought. Anyone else think that's a good idea?

Goldy- So no buble skirts or elf boots for you then? Sad. I saw a few ads of the new movie by the Donnie Darko guy. Not sure what to make of it. I was dissapointed when his follow up to DD seemed completely different in every way. I never saw it, did you?

Simone-Ew, I know someone who spreads inch thick butter on bread. It makes me gag just thinking of it. heh-'58'. Me too.

Laetitia-I like coco pops, but they quickly turn to soggy rice bubbles in chocolate milk. I wish they retained their brownness. Good point about roach species. Those bush ones are nearly likable, whereas the ones in my house are of the devil.

Beth-Cap'n Crunch sounds very American. I'd like to try it, I've never seen it over here.