Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Thursday, November 26, 2009

A Few Links

Here's some posts I've enjoyed recently:

This one by Kutz about his pool pass time. I loved the diagram so much I saved it to my computer. I also really appreciated his honesty in this post.

This one by RodeoClown about dealing with homeless people.

Simone's quote from The Last Battle, and the honesty in this little post.

Nathan unleashing the phenomenon that is Henrietta and Merna, and his one about pious Facebook updates.

Amy being candid about her blog.

Ali talking about C.S.Lewis and poetry.

Sam and Soph's big news.

Drew calling his boy 'Dubya'.

Ruth's honest
self-image posts (via A.B.)

A.B.'s prayer .

Goldy's hommus.

Kristina's quiz.

Sarah has gotten me interested in haiku. I even wrote one on the train last night, rather than reading MX.

Izaac on husband/wife blog rivalry.

Sophg's little scanned list from her parents.

Jeff on 'God-Bothering'.

Tim on counting the foetus.


Nathan said...

Love it Ben. Best links post today. A gold star for you.

Simone R. said...

So much bloglove shared in a single post!