Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Great Divide

I had yet another brainwave for an awesome 'I-can't-believe-they-haven't-already-invented-that' invention.

When you live in a block of apartments with a puny little shared clothes line, it is stressful doing your laundry. It's all about timing and speed, to get your clothes on that line before some other wise-cracking joker gets there first and spoils your load.

A particular stress is getting consecutive loads on there. You go down with your empty basket to get off the dry clothes, race back upstairs to then refill your basket with more wet clothes, race back to the line, only to find your neighbour/nemesis has pipped you at the post.

How do we combat this unnecessary evil? Well, without further adieu, I present to you..

That's right. A divide down the middle, so you can take down the drys and put them in the dry side, but have the wets at the ready as well.

Your neighbour may curse you, but you will thank and love me happily ever after for once again totally revolutionising your world.


Stuart Heath said...

Don't want to burst your bubble, but I think someone may already have made that one. Looks familiar to me.

Simone R. said...

I'm concerned about the size. Not sure we'd fit all our wets or drys into your basket.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Stuart, give me their name, I might have to pay them a little visit.

Simone, thanks this is the kind of feedback an inventor like me needs. I hear your concern, but I think there's ways around it. The basket could be a bit oversized? Or maybe more of a figure 8 shape so that you can rest it on your hip?

Kutz said...

Figure 8 + somewhat increased depth and width = winner!

Amy said...

Still doesn't solve the main problem of communal washing lines which is people stealing your underwear!

Laetitia :-) said...

Or you could simply stack your basket of wet clothes inside your empty basket and take both down at the same time. :-)

Anonymous said...

You need to come to England and present all your inventions to the Dragons in the "Dragon's Den". Now that would be fab tv to watch. They would be overwelmed with your inventions and throw money at you.
Keep up the inventive process. I always think that hanging out the washing should be the time when we are most creative.

Wendy said...

What you need is a pole that sticks straight out from your apartment, like they do in Singapore or lines on your balcony, like they do in Japan. Rarely are balconies for sitting on, they are purely for washing.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Kutz- I agree. Increased width and depth needed.

Amy- That's where the BB gun comes in..

Laetitia- good in theory, but while we have two baskets, we never have an empty one spare to work with..

Anon- Thanks, I would like to present my inventions on Dragons Den. I know they'd be filled with awe when they saw my work.

wendy- Had I a balcony our problems would be solved. Alas, we live in an art deco apartment with an 'enclosed sun room' instead.