Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Monday, November 23, 2009

The Quiz

1. Shower or bath
2. Surely the world would be a better place without...
3. Who did you have the most posters of on your wall as a teenager?
4. Will you dye your hair when you go grey?
5. Three attributes of your dream-house


Ben McLaughlin said...

1. Shower or bath
2. Surely the world would be a better place without...
3. Who did you have the most posters of on your wall as a teenager?
4. Will you dye your hair when you go grey?
5. Three attributes of your dream-house

onlinesoph said...

1. shower
2. sin? sorry that's a serious answer perhaps missing the spirit of the question...
3. BH 90210
4. Heck YES
5. funny - I was thinking about this yesterday while helping some friends move house!
1) a "meeting area" - as in a separate lounge room for Sam to meet up with people without disturbance, with a library/study attached. Coffee machine and bar fridge optional!
2) Open plan lounge/dining with attached open plan kitchen. Again great for ministry, hopsitality, having people over. Can cook while chatting to people
3) Built in wardrobes! We're currently thinking of how to accomodate stuff for our coming baby while living in college accomodation. Makes me really appreciate built-ins!!

emfolle said...

1. Shower for everyday... bath for relaxation

2. Illness and disease. And teenagers (esp on public transport)

3. None (pop cultural vaccuum)

4. Nope... can't be bothered to try and colourmatch ginger.

5. Ocean views, bush surrounds, free.

Bonnie said...

1. Shower, then bath. Who wants to soak in their own filth? Not me!
2. 40` heat waves
3. Van Gogh artworks. I think I skipped my teenage years and went straight to middle age.
4. I won't be going grey.
5. Big, light, a butler.

Anonymous said...

1. Shower

2. Bert Newton tv specials

3. didn't have posters on my walls.

4. yeah, probably...still undecided

5. gas stove, big back yard, lots of space for the kids


Pedro said...

1. Shower
2. Thieves!!
3. movies
4. No
5. lots of windows/natural light
Multi level / open plan
In house cinema.

Nathan said...

1. Shower.
2. Flies.
3. Whatever Premier League players came in the magazines I got for Christmas.
4. No.
5. Big kitchen, big deck, herb garden.

Ben McLaughlin said...

1.Shower, but a cool bath in the dark, on a hot night is awesome.
2.Cockroaches, Matchbox 20
3.Robert Smith of The Cure
5.a)Neighbours only visible thru a powerful telescope
b)an attic studio
c)chicken coop

Hicksy said...

1. Shower
2. Mosquitoes!
3. G'n'R
4. Nope
5. Huge shower in bathroom
Water slide into pool
Big man room for only man stuff

Laetitia :-) said...

1. Shower or bath - Like emfolle - shower for everyday; bath for relaxation (haven't been able to have a bath since 2004, sigh)
2. Surely the world would be a better place without... - midges
3. Who did you have the most posters of on your wall as a teenager? - Eurythmics and David Bowie
4. Will you dye your hair when you go grey? - always thought, "No"; now considering if I will while it's in that "in-between" stage where it doesn't know what colour it wants to be - brunette or silver.
5. Three attributes of your dream-house
1) Craft room where there are lots of cupboards deep enough to hold my supplies but not so deep that I lose things behind others
2) Big yard for a vege patch, fruit trees and chooks
3) Somewhere where winters are cold enough to justify a slow combustion heater

Laetitia :-) said...

Hicksy - "only man stuff"? umm, I now have an image of a urinal in a domestic house.

Amy said...

1. Shower
2. Intolerance
3. X-Files I'd reckon
4. My natural hair colour is grey. So I do and have done since I was 14 years old.
5. Trees / deck / paid off!

Wendy said...

1. Shower
2. self centred people - I guess that means me!
3. Nope - I'm very countercultural
4. Probably not. Being locked into a 40 year spending habit doesn't appeal to my budget.
5. Quiet area, outside space for kids, ensuite.

goldy said...

1. shower, only for lack of a bath
2. all the bad things
3. i was not a normal teenager - I only had pictures of saxaphones on my wall
4. not yet - I do have grey hair, but I'll wait till it's really obvious
5. in queensland, no housemates except for the ultimate housemate, and yard so i can have dog

soph said...

1. Love baths, but we don't have on in our apartment :(
2. Lies
3. Paul Dempsey (something for kate front man)
4. Nah
5. Clean, HEAPS of light, open plan

Chris L said...

1. shower
2. second hand chewing gum
3. should have had wonder woman.
4. have not yet so prob won't
5. deck, space for a reading chair, would love pool for the kids

Simone R. said...

1. Shower
2. backless hoodies
3. Robert Smith (the cure)
4. probably occasionally - which is worse than never.
5. self cleaning and tidying function, big deck, lots of cupboards with sliding doors.

Georgina said...

1. Shower for speediness, bath for relaxation
2. Ferret poop. Yes, indeedy.
3. I had a poster of Xiao Xiao and Fei Fei, 2 giant pandas from China.
4. I am grey. I dye. It is fact.
5. A self-cleaning, self-maintaining, heated pool.
A verandah. and a playroom complete with a giant maze for the ferrets!

maso said...

1. shower
2. winter
3. not who, but what ... holden commodores
4. nah, probly not
5. deck
lap pool
good cross ventilation so I don't need air con

Ben McLaughlin said...

Soph- Nice. Dylan or Brandon?

Em- the dye wouldn't be called ginger, it'd be called something poetic like "Sunshine at Dusk"

Bonnie- Wow, such willpower and determination to not go grey. Impressive. Mind over matter.

Ruth- Oh yeah, big backyard...covet, covet..

Pedro- Yeah, I thought you'd be thinking about thieves.. any news on it's whereabouts?

Nathan- Yeah, flies are an unneccary evil. I'm sure spiders could find something else to eat if they weren't there.

Hicksy- Yeah, I'm pro a manstuff room as well. No, children, those are NOT toys, they are collectors pieces, thankyou very much.

Laetitia-Wow..5 year bath drought. Harsh. I like the inbetween stage. I'm axcited about the prospect of being 'pepper and salt'. More than just being 'salt'.

Amy- Why is your hair naturally grey? Do you really mean grey, or just a greyish blonde or something? Feel free to ignore my nosey inquiries.

onlinesoph said...

brenda and kelly actually! heh. I wasn't into the boys, I just wanted to be like the girls....

Ben McLaughlin said...

Wendy-I'd love an ensuite. I hate my 3am wander in the dark, down the hall, tripping over toys, to get to the bathroom.

Goldy- Wow, I'm not sure I've ever met someone so passionate about the sax. Did you give them special affectionate names?

SophG- And I bet he wasn't smiling in ANY of those posters, was he?

Chris-Yeah, I should have had wonder woman too.

Simone- Yay, lets bond. I hadthese really sweet big posters, one of the Disintegration cover, a Boys Don't Cry one, and some other random ones. I loved them dearly.

Georgina- Well, good on you for admitting it. More power to you.

Maso-A car man. I am anti-car nowadays, but I remember in yr 6 I was obsessed with Holdens. I also collected hubcaps from the side of the road, and hung them all across my walls. Loooked awesome.

Ben McLaughlin said...

That's funny, Soph, I wasn't interested in the girls, I just envied those two blokes' for having awesome hair. I still wish I had Luke Perry Hair.

But not that other blonde dude with the weird sort of blonde curly mini-mullet.

Amy said...

I believe the hairdressers call it ash brown/blonde. Or mousy (such an attractive name).

It will bleach golden eventually but when it first grows it just makes me look prematurely 50. And makes hairdressers frown at you and let me tell you, there is nothing so scary as a hair dresser telling you what to do.

So... dye (unlike my brother and father who just have to deal with being 'grey'). I've had a lifelong desire for red hair anyway so it works out fine.

Joanna said...

Late to the party as always! But:
1. shower (environment, people!)
2. bureaucracy
3. U2
4. Already going grey, I think it makes me look distinguished!
5. A pertinent question as we are house-hunting!
i) north-facing backyard for vegie patch
ii) lots of light
iii) single story

Laetitia :-) said...

I hear you Amy - my sister used to call my hair "mousey". It's what hairdressers call "glassy" because the scales are so tight that light bounces off and dyes can't easily penetrate. That means that when it's really short it can appear a dark grey; the chocolate colour doesn't show properly until it's almost bob length.

Joanne - it's easier for me to waste water having a shower - I'm usually trying to wake up!

beth said...

I'm so behind on reading your blog!!

1. Shower
2. Bugs
3. I can't even remember....
4. Already am....
5. In the country, big professional kitchen, fireplaces.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Joanna- I'm not convinced that showers use less water than baths. Maybe if you sprinted through the routine and got in and out within two minutes. But I need a bit of time when I shower. I just do.

Beth- It hurts to hear you generalise with 'bugs'. Don't let a few bad apples write off the whole crop. No bees? No butterflies? No Christmas beetles? Sad.