Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Monday, November 23, 2009

Sickie & Pearl Jam

The sickie I had to have. Not feeling too bad now, but am staying home for a bit of a rest, having the day off that I wanted last week but was too busy.

The Pearl Jam concert last night was fantastic! We really enjoyed it, and I was so stoked that they played lots of 'lesser classics' ('Porch', 'Why Go', 'Even Flow', 'Corduroy', 'Elderly Woman', 'Garden') rather than just the typical singles, and also great lesser known gems like 'State of Love and Trust' and 'Crazy Mary'.

In some ways I didn't have massive expectations, as they kind of aren't really an all time favourite band of mine, but once I was there I loved it, and got very nostalgic about the songs. They also put on an awesome show.

Only bummer was that heat. Oh. Man. It was definitely 40 degrees. Being in that stadium in the heat of the afternoon, was a bit of a killer. And then walking from the Sydney Football Stadium back to Central as well. Ick. Got home around midnight, so hot and gross.

Good times, though.

1 comment:

john wall said...

Pearl Jam is the standout band of the 1990's along with Nirvana. There music is honest and genuine and there is a message behind their music. Eddie Vedder is one of the great front-mans of all time, and McCready is an amazing guitar player.