Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Monday, November 23, 2009


Out of nowhere, I have suddenly started liking the idea of having tattoos.

Maybe it's that third-life crisis I was talking about a while ago. This is very strange, as I have never thought much of, or about tattoos, and I am really not a tattoo sort of guy.

It will probably go nowhere, but it's fun to think about. Something small and tasteful.


soph said...

My eyes have been violated!!

Amy said...

So, how sure of your taste are you that you know you'll like the same thing in 5 years???

Simone R. said...

How sure of your taste are you that you know you'll like the same thing in 50 years???

Amy said...

And what happens when you get wrinkly?

Amy said...

Or if some dodgy pop start decides to get what you've got and you spend the next 50 years saying 'I got it first, I really did'...

Ben McLaughlin said...

Well, what seperates me from the common riff raff, is that I have good taste. Not just in my oppinion, but as a fact proven by science.

I would only either get something faith related or family related, which are two things I won't ever lose interest in.

One idea was that my Dad has this really cool old '50's printing of The Immitation of Christ, and it has these wonderful old simple illustrations, of Jesus at various moments of His life. Just really simple, stylised line drawings. One of these on my upper arm would surely be pretty awesome...

But anyways, fret not, because we all know I'm probably too chicken and too worried about what people would think of me to actually go through with it.

Kutz said...

My wife was very seriously considering the tattoo for a while there. Now I am. She just got a second ear piercing to get over it.

I'm not sure, but perhaps some Hebrew?

beth said...

That picture was terrible!! I was 25 when I got the first one, and the second didn't come until ten years can't worry about what other people think, it's YOUR self expression. My next is already being designed!!