Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Monday, May 31, 2010

Guest Post- Russell

Hi. I'm Russell Crowe.

You might know me from such motion picture film movies as Gladiator and Robin Hood. Includingly or alternatively, you might know me as The World's Greatest Actor, as GQ calls me on their latest cover.


As you might know, I am a method actor. This means, I imagine something, and then pretend to do that thing. Don't worry if you don't understand, not many do.

Now, most film scripts require that I brood and sulk a lot, for the majority a movie. So, here I bring in the method acting. I close my eyes and imagine the Bunnies are losing again (which doesn't take a lot of imagining), and then open my eyes. This, kids, is acting.

But within this niche, there are a lot of subtle variations, applicable for each and every situation. Here are some of my favourite faces, that you may like to emulate (or attempt to) in your own time--

This is me brooding

This is me brooding with long hair

This is me brooding, while being pensive

Brooding with glasses

Brooding with an equation

Brooding in a skirt tough gladiator garb

Brooding in front of a long ship

And my latest, brooding with a bow and arrow.

Now, because I'm among friends, I'm going to unveil something new I've been working on for a month of Sundays. An acting-face that is so edgy it defies categorisation. Very occasionally a script will ask me to do something other than brooding. And that, folks, is when I unleash this badboy--

I know. Good isn't it. Another gun in my arsenal. Do you want to know what it is? Smiling, while brooding. And wearing sun glasses. Yes. Epic.

I'm not sure yet whether to call it the Smoodtm or the Briletm.


Ali said...

Ben, you really are something else!

But does he have a "listening face" is the important thing ...

Joanna said...

Wow, you really did get some energy on that break, didn't you!!
This reminds me of a sketch done by one of my favorite cartoonists, describing his perspective on Daniel Day Lewis:
Acting Acting Acting Acting!

Ben McLaughlin said...

Ali- yeah, I'm sure the brood can double as a listening face, that's why Our Rusty is so versatile.

Joanna- Heh, that's funny! Actually, speaking of such things, one of my fav cartoonists is Kate Beaton. If memory serves correct, I actually found her (a couple years back)via a link on your blog. You have good taste.

Amy said...

HIgh fives all round. Excellent work.

Drew said...

I love this Ben, especially the pensive one. Reminds me of one of my favourite lines, ever, in 10 things I hate about you...

Joanna said...

Thanks you, Ben! I'm so delighted you've taken to Kate Beaton - she really is brilliant. And she really makes history fun! I annoy my students by showing them Kate Beaton cartoons and then laughing uncontrollably.

One of my favorite of her cartoons is the one where she goes to see St Francis of Assisi about giving up her soul-destroying job and concludes that you have to be 'insane holy' to live like him. 'Insane holy' has become Andrew's and my description for anything that seems particularly demandingly godly!

Ben McLaughlin said...

What's the line, Drew??

Joanna- yeah, she is awesome. I think I remember that St Francis one. One of my fav's is one about the 3 Bronte sisters, and about how their male leads are all losers. There's two great panels, one of Heathcliffe, and one of Rochester, that make me laugh whenever I see them.