Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

No Bins= World Peace

I read recently that new Transport Minister John Robertson wants to put rubbish bins back on Sydney train station platforms.

I was pleased to hear this, as I've always thought it silly and unnecessary to get rid of them in the first place. The result has been that no one knows what to do with their rubbish, so they leave it on trains, leave it on the platform, throw it on the tracks.

The answer is always 'just take it with you', and sure, that's the ideal, but the majority of people aren't going to do this, and it's just made a messy place even messier.

The reason they took bins away in the first place was, I believe, as a result of the London bombings a while back. But, I don't know. This just seems dumb to me. Are 'terrorists' really going to be thwarted from their plans because of the absence of a bin?

Darn, we totally wanted to destroy this city, but we couldn't find a bin anywhere. Oh well, better go and get a real job then.

It's like saying that because a lot of motorists die from crashing into telegraph poles, we should remove all telegraph poles.

Hey.. that's not a bad idea...

Dear Mr. John Robertson,

I just totally had this rad idea that will blow your mind..


Wendy said...

Could we take away alcohol? That'd save some people out of poverty, save lives from accidents, save some marriages. Maybe even contribute to world peace!

Ben McLaughlin said...

But where does that arguement stop, Wendy? we live in a fallen world, and we misuse the good things God has given us.. so do we then just get rid of all the good things so we can't misuse them?