Well, it's that time again.
The Race That Stops The Nation. How many times will I hear that phrase today? My guess is 17 billion.
Are you excited? I don't know about you, but I can barely contain myself. Horses being whipped to drive themselves to cardiac arrests, and dopey drunk people in dopey hats throwing away millions of dollars.
Call me mean, but I'm a bit sad the rain seems to be clearing up; there was something appealing about all those stilettos getting lost in the mud.
I had the same thought this morning about the stilettos :)
Halloween and the Melbourne Cup both bore me. Go the RBA announcement.
Oh? It's Melbourne Cup again? I had no idea. Again. Funny that.
What time is it on? I think I'll be being grilled by a Presbytery committee then.
You love it Benno. Think of all the free tucker!!
lol -- i have exactly the opposite opinion! it's my favorite australian holiday!! dressing up, excitement, time off work -- what's not to love?!
I ended up having a late lunch today - about the time of the race. My colleague saw me in the tea room and asked if I were interested in the race. I replied, "Not enough to give up my lunch for it. I'm sure someone will tell me if I win the sweeps."
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