Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Survival Situation Technique

I have a bit of a coping technique, which works in many varied situations. Basically, I just say to myself 'imagine you are in a survival situation, Benny boy', and then suddenly my perspective changes.

So, an example would be, you've just shelled out $7 for a dodgy sandwich at a dodgy sandwich shop. It's disappointing and tasteless. And $7 is nothing to sneeze at. You're angry. You're feeling jipped.

'Imagine you're in a survival situation, Benny boy'

Wow, a sandwich! I haven't eaten in two days, and have been trekking through dangerous wilderness, perilously rafting down a remote alligator infested river, somewhere in a forgotten South American jungle. But hark! What is that over there on that small sandy beach? Could it be...? No, it would be foolish to hope... No wait.. (paddling to shore)...It is! A sandwich! Oh happy day, what fortune smiles on me that I should happen upon such bounty!

And then the stale bread tastes like manna from heaven. And the tasteless shredded chicken like a rare jungle fowl that has been bow-and-arrowed, plucked, and lovingly prepared for me by some forgotten jungle tribes people, who are now watching me unseen, from the deep foliage.

It's all about perspective.


Kutz said...

Awesome. I'm trying it now to see if it works on my 2 Corinthians assignment.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Good thinking-

Hark, what's that over there.. oh my! A letter from the apostle Paul? Here? On this secluded beach hither untouched by human feet? Why, I must study this and write 2000 words this minute, with this pencil-like stick I've fashioned out of bamboo and charcoal..

Jessica said...

Funny way to get to gratefulness, I like it!

Anonymous said...

Haha! You're hilarious. Love it. Gonna implement it.