Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Thursday Peanuts- The End Is Nigh

A bit of sad news is that the end is in sight for good ol' Thursday Peanuts, after roughly 140 Thursdays. The main issue is that my source material has dried up. Way back in the early days I was scanning all the strips in. This got old quick. Then I stumbled upon a site that had all the Peanuts strips sitting there for use. This made things much easier. But that site recently closed down, so I only have a couple more strips on hand, and then, sniff, it'll be goodbye to the regular Peanuts post. I'm sad.


Ruth said...

Oh, that is sad - your Thursday Peanuts posts are one of my favourite features on your blog. :-(

Ben McLaughlin said...

Hopefully I'll be able to fill the void with something else. I'm giving it thought.

Ali said...

Oh, that is very sad! I have three of them from your blog on the wall behind my desk, and you've made me want to buy the complete Peanut Collection.

(I have this book at home called "The Gospel According to Peanuts" that I found second-hand - can't say as I've actually read it yet though.)

Ali said...

And I always forgot to hit that "email follow-up" button before I submit comments ...

Ben McLaughlin said...

Yeah, that books not real crash hot, Ali. Schultz worked his Christianity into the strips really carefully and cleverly, and that 'Gospel According' book is the total opposite to that. Painfully obvious, and it doesn't delve deeply into the man and his faith at all. Dissappointing, because I was excited when I found it at a fete a few years back!

Ali said...

Oh well that is good to know! I won't waste hours of my life. At least you get a few comics in it ... One of my work colleagues even has a peanut strip up from your blog :).

RodeoClown said...

Peanuts comics

Will this do as a source?

Ben McLaughlin said...

Ali, it's nice to be spreading the Peanuts love!

Rodeo- Thanks mate. The other site I was using was similar, but stopped their Peanuts strips, and I had a look around for another similar site but didn't find one. Thanks, I'll definitely consider that.. the strips are pretty small and low res, but maybe..

Ali said...

Do you know, yesterday in the window of Gleebooks (second hand) I saw "The Parables of Peanuts" - but I was too disillusioned (and scared of missing the bus I was waiting for) to go in and look at it. It seems there's a whole business in this stuff ...

Gary Ware said...

Thanks for Thursday Peanuts.
Have you seen this?