Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Monday, April 4, 2011

The Quiz

1. The end of daylight saving.. happy or sad? 2. It baffles me that people are willing to believe.. 3. I wish I had the courage to.. 4. Are you happy with your height? 5. Something you'd like to do before the year's up


Ben McLaughlin said...

1. The end of daylight saving.. happy or sad?
2. It baffles me that people are willing to believe..
3. I wish I had the courage to..
4. Are you happy with your height? 5. Something you'd like to do before the year's up

Crazyjedidiah said...

1. Happy, it means it cooler weather time, and I prefer cooler weather.
2. in fairies but not God (ok that was a 7 year old but still) that the world is going to end next year.
3. Apply for the distance education Library degree at CSU.
4. No...I'm too short, everyone tells me I am now average height for a woman, but everyone in my family is taller than me even my short dad, and I hate it.
5. Get a job, move out of home.

Pedro said...

1. Me too. cooler weather. Better surf ra ra ra...
2. Don't get me started Benno. I have a lot iof issues with literal intrpretations of the bible and...
3. Do the get rid of your spider fear course!!!
4. Sure. Who cares?
5. Get Claire pregnant again.

Gary Ware said...

1. overjoyed.
2. that there's any benefit to daylight saving.
3. not put my clock forward and keep real time all through daylight saving in protest.
4. my sons are now taller than me...
5. stop worrying.

Alistair Bain said...

1. Happy.
2. That we are accidents.
3. answer that question.
4. Yes. Very
5. do something about my weight.

maso said...

1. Neutral. Daylight saving finished here in 1992.
2. ... that daylight saving should be inflicted on the good people of far north and western queensland.
3. be a bit more 'type A'.
4. yes.
5. go surfing a heaps more times (and actually get some good waves).

Ruth said...

1. Very happy.

2. that buddha who abandoned his wife and child in the middle of the night was a good man.

3. to visit friends when their dogs are loose on the property

4. Yes - because Andrew loves my height - but I wasn't happy with it before that.

5. Just one thing?!....finish and publish my book

Deb said...

1. Happy because I like the change of seasons. But I'll be just as happy at the other end when it comes back again.
2. Forwarded emails without checking their authenticity.
3. Care less about what others think of me.
4. Yes.
5. Finishing framing our family history artifacts.

kristina said...

1. I don't like daylight saving time. I can't wait until it ends. I am in the US, ours just started.

2. Evolution.

3. I don't know.

4. Yes.

5. Learn how to cook meat. (That might be the answer to #3.)

Ben McLaughlin said...

1. Sad. I'd rather dark mornings than getting home at twilight.
2. That being born in a certain month means you have particular personality traits.
3. Talk more about my faith to people
4.Not really. I'd love to be about 6 inches taller. But I care less these days.
5. Get paragraph breaks back

Joanna said...

1. Happy in the morning (SO much easier to get up this morning!) - Sad when I leave work (it's already dark!)
2. Astrology. Seriously, folks!
3. Stick to my principles when they are unpopular.
4. I'm tall for a woman and I'm fine with that now, not so much in grade 8 when I towered over all the boys!
5. Give birth to my baby safe and well.

onlinesoph said...

1. sad. It's dark way too early!
2. that the Charlie Sheen stage show would be any good. Can't believe so many americans bought tickets to it thinking it would be good, then actually disappointed when it wasnt'!
3. call people on the phone rather than just emailing them
4. yes
5. learn how to knit!

KIM said...

1. sad ... i don't like light in the morning!

2. australians are the hardest working people on the planet.

3. go sky diving.

4. depends on who i marry!

5. finish writing my book.

Wendy said...

1. What daylight saving?
2. The human body came together by chance.
3. Answer this question.
4. Yes, except when I cannot buy jeans or pants the right length.
5. Camping

Georgina said...

1. End of daylight saving - happy because it means humidity is behind us mostly until October.
2. It baffles me that people are willing to believe in crystal healing!
3. I wish I had the courage to... go to bible college for a year.
4. Um, well, obviously not. You don't get to age 36 and being single and wonder whether it's because you're a giant woman.
5. I'd like to keep getting fitter

Karen said...

1. Happy. I used to feel sad when daylight saving ended when we lived further south than we do now. But now that we live on the border, daylight saving is a pain in the neck. For six months of the year, my brain operates in two different time zones.
2. That homeopathy works.
3. Tell people what I believe. And worry less about what they might think of me if I do.
4. Yes. My husband is very tall so we look like an odd couple, but I wouldn't want to be any taller than I am.
5. Exercise... but I like the idea of learning to knit too!

simone r said...

1. Sad. Less tv choice now.
2. in horoscopes but not in Jesus.
3. pray more.
4. Yes.
5. Write a really good song.

Dawn Merz said...

1. Confused. I am always confused when daylight savings ends or begins.
2. That death is the end of existence for them.
3. do more lecturing/public speaking. And the time to prepare. And the ideas, inspiration and material. Yeah, never mind.
4. Yes.
5. Get to spend time with some of the people that are very dear to me, but whom I haven't seen for a long time.

Laetitia :-) said...

1. The end of daylight saving..happy or sad? - Happy - I can call my southern dwelling sisters at a time that's reasonable for both of us.
2. It baffles me that people are willing to believe..that Evolution thinks. Umm, the crux of the theory is that it doesn't, so why are you ascribing intelligence and directive thought to it?
3. I wish I had the courage to..say what I believe despite blushing when I say it. (And I'm not just talking religious thought here.)
4. Are you happy with your height? - Reasonably - I always wanted to be 6' tall like some of my cousins but the female ones that tall have problems too.
5. Something you'd like to do before the year's up - go to NZ and possibly Lake Eyre.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Cjed- I empathise with the short thing. My brothers' about 20cm taller than me.

Pedro- Conquer the fear, brother

Gary- Gary, Gary, Gary. daylight savings is wonderful. I can get home from work and go and do outside stuff before dinner. What's not to love?

Al-Yeah..very, very, detailed, complicated accidents.

Maso-1992. A sad, sad year.

Ruth-I hope you can acheive that by the end of the year

Deb-Yep. I'm pretty anti forwarded emails.

Kris- I didn't realise they did DS in the States

Jo- I'll be praying for your number 5.

Soph- I have that same issue. I really should call, but it often just feels too HARD.

Kim- re 2: they're NOT?!

Wendy- Yeah, it would seem there was way too much 'chance' involved to actually be called 'chance'.

George- I'd really like to try and become fitter this year too

Karen-I'd like to worry a LOT less about what other people think of me. One of my biggest issues, I reckon.

Simone-Any time anyone says oh you're a virgo, in that nudge nudge winky winky way, it takes a lot of willpower to not bring a smackdown. You've known me 5 minutes and you think you can assume 50 things about me because I was born in August?? Craziness.

Dawn-Yeah I get really confused as well

Laetitia-that's an interesting aspect of evolution you bring up, something I'd not thought a lot about before

KIM said...

Ben -- yes, I can vouch that Americans definitely have daylight savings. Hence, Sydney and, say, New York, are 14 hours off for approx. 5 months, then 15 hours for approx. 1 month, then 16 hours off for approx. 1 month, etc., depending on who has daylight savings time when (the 15 hr off for a month at a time accounts for the shift in between when the U.S. changes clocks, vs. Australia). Currently the two ESTs are 14 hours off.

KIM said...

err, got myself confused in the middle there. maybe a list is easier:

April-August-ish: 14 hours off
September-ish: 15 hours off
October-February-ish: 16 hours off
March-ish: 15 hours off

I think ... ish ...