Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Monday, April 11, 2011

The Quiz

1. Who commits the bigger fashion crimes- males or females?
2. One example, please.
3. One thing to be thankful for today
4. I find it hard to relate to people who...
5. An unhelpful thought pattern you'd like to be done with


Ben McLaughlin said...

1. Who commits the bigger fashion crimes- males or females?
2. One example, please.
3. One thing to be thankful for today
4. I find it hard to relate to people who...
5. An unhelpful thought pattern you'd like to be done with

Pedro said...

1. Males
2. Jean Paul Gauttier.
3. My beautiful son.
4. Won't listen to resonable and rational argument.
5. I'll get to work tomorrow or the next day or the next day...

Joanna said...

1. In contemporary society, women. Historically, men
2. Skinny jeans. The codpiece.
3. My husband's coffee-making skills.
4. Don't experience doubt.
5. Thinking I can take on ever-increasing commitments because future Jo will somehow be much more energetic and organized than present-day Jo.

Crazyjedidiah said...

1. Males
2. I have a male friend who had a favourite pair of pants that were orange and a favourite pair of purple shoes which he wore together.
3. It's not raining.
4. I don't really know, especially if they are overbearing.
5. I don't care if I get a job, God will look after me.

Alistair Bain said...

1. Women.
2. The whale tail (keeping the aquatic allusions going following Joanna)
3. my family
4. have no capacity for empathy.
5. I'd be a better person if I was more organised.

Ruth said...

1. females
2. often they care too much about what they wear - and that's just sad. holidays and time with my lovely children
4.are rude to me about my dad or husband
5.I'd like to wake up each day thinking about God, rather than thinking about wanting more sleep.

Ben McLaughlin said...

1. Women.
2. Elf boots.
3. Beautiful sunshine
4. Can't laugh at themselves
5. That people are thinking badly of me

KIM said...

1. males
2. rat tails
3. dinner with friends!
4. are boring
5. he likes me?

matt said...

1. Females
2. Glitter words (i.e. Angel, Princess, Sweet Pea)
3. The constant presence of God
4. Take advantage of kindness
5. It's all up to me

simone r said...

1. Men
2. Beards. My husband. Right now.
3. High ceilings.
4. Don't seem to be interested in anything. Come on!
5. Everyone is leaving our church. It's all bad bad bad.

Dawn Merz said...

1. Men
2. Mullets. Never, ever cool.
3. That it is much easier to move continents in this day and age without saying longterm goodbyes. Airplane travel availablity. Long distance communication ability. Free skyping.
4. prefer to hear themselves talk than to listen/be part of a conversation.
5. Avoidance because of guilty feelings. Things grow stuff in my fridge sometimes cause I feel so guilty that I don't clean it out!

Georgina said...

1. I'm sorry, I can't decide.
2. Big women - big patterns. Men - the shoe string tie.
3. That the meeting I was dreading is over! And I survived! And even kept myself very professional.
4. I find it hard to relate to people who haven't been abused as children, sometimes.
5. That I am all alone and no one cares.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Pedro-Number 5 I relate to COMPLETELY.

Jo-I think you're spot on there. Historically men have looked ridiculous. Wigs. High pants. But these days the pendulum has swung..

Cjed-People say orange and purple are supposed to compliment each other. I've only ever seen them offend each other.

Al-I don't know what a whale tail is, but I'm intrigued..

Ruth- Yeah.. when you never quite get enough sleep it's hard not to just want it above anything else on those tired, hard mornings.

Kim- I'm amazed that the old ratty is getting a show again with todays youth. Who thought that was a good idea?

Matt- Welcome to the quiz! I hear you with Number 5. That is one of the biggest causes of stress and anxiety in my life. And it's not even neccessary.

Simone- Yeah, number 4. Get a hobby already!

Dawn-Yuck, guilt induced avoidance.. I'm so good at that too.

George-Glad the meeting went well, good on you.

kristina said...

1. Females because they take bigger fashion risks.

2. Low slung jeans look great, until the wearer sits, squats, or bends over.

3. I am thankful for humor.

4. I can't relate to people who...
Consider themselves exceptionally open minded but anything biblical is automatically disregarded.

5. I have so much to do today, I don't know where to start.

Laetitia :-) said...

1. Who commits the bigger fashion crimes- males or females? Both
2. One example, please. Females - balloon skirts; Males - pants around the groin showing everyone their underwear if lucky, bum cracks if not.
3. One thing to be thankful for today - that my mitral valve still mostly closes and I have the funds for an operation to repair it.
4. I find it hard to relate to people who...won't accept personal responsibility.
5. An unhelpful thought pattern you'd like to be done with - thinking that the good opinion of people who mock Christian beliefs is important just because they are my friends / workmates / neighbours.