Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Quiz

1. Your first proper paid work
2. People don't seem to get why I love...
3. A song you've been listening to a lot lately
4. What are you excited about this week?
5. What are you nervous about this week?


Ben McLaughlin said...

1. Your first proper paid work
2. People don't seem to get why I love...
3. A song you've been listening to a lot lately
4. What are you excited about this week?
5. What are you nervous about this week?

Wendy said...

1. Assistant piano teacher
2. Writing
3. "Come lift up your sorrows" by Michael Card
4. Meeting up with a Japanese friend to go to Costco tomorrow.
5. An email I'm expecting.

Pedro said...

1. Target in Fortitude Valley when I was 15
2. not sleeping in
3. 'somewhere over the rainbow' .late model version
4. Spending the week doing some different work
5. Doing aforementioned work, well.

Alistair Bain said...

1. Myer. Toy Dept. First year uni
2. Phil Ochs
3. Cloudbusting
4. Moving to Hobart
5. as above.

Alistair Bain said...

1. Myer. Toy Dept. First year uni
2. Phil Ochs
3. Cloudbusting
4. Moving to Hobart
5. as above.

Joanna said...

1. First year uni, Aroma's coffee shop, dishwashing and general dogsbody.
2. history
3. From St Kilda to Kings Cross (Paul Kelly)
4. Obstetrician visit and baby scan this arvo.
5. Ditto

Crazyjedidiah said...

1. I worked for a fortnight at subway in ashfield mall, but was then told I wasn't cut out for it. I then did a term of Teacher's aiding at the local primary school.
2. love watching cooking competition shows.
3. If you believe me by Relient K.
4. Getting some more of my projects done.
5. Taking my sister in to hospital for surgery.

Ben McLaughlin said...

1. Putting up industrial shelving
2. All things heavy metal
3. Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac
4. speech therapy review day on wednesday
5. Making house renovation plans

Milika said...

1. video store clerk
2. shoes
3. black crow - Colin Buchanan
4. beach trip tue/wed
5. running creche fri morn

KIM said...

1. depends on how you define proper -- i'll go with being the social coordinator for an ESL college in london

2. rain

3. ummm, none

4. my birthday!! :)

5. plead the fifth

simone r said...

1. Woolworths - checkout chick
2. Disney duets
3. Someone Else's Story
4. My choirs starting. Year 1-3 choir started today. 100+ kids!
5. My choirs starting.

Sarah said...

1. Muffin break
2. Lemon crisps
3. Lead Balloon - Sarah Humphreys
4. Dinner with friends tonight
5. Dr's appointment

Anonymous said...

1. Gisler's Wire Works, factory hand.
2. Black clothes. (and comic books)
3. 'The Curse' by Josh Ritter
4. Progress in a colleague coming to pastor our neighboring congregation, interest in seeing churches planted in Adelaide and the possibility of supporting a patrol ministry in regional SA.
5. That I just can't quite get my sense of apprehension under control.

Laetitia :-) said...

1. Your first proper paid work - undergrad engineer with Qld Rail - summer holidays 1994-95.
2. People don't seem to get why I love...accounting, or traffic engineering for that matter
3. A song you've been listening to a lot lately - not sure if it counts but the closest I can come is whatever I have to practise as I learn sax.
4. What are you excited about this week? - turning 37 next Sunday
5. What are you nervous about this week? - if we include next Monday, a biopsy type procedure.

maso said...

1. kitchen hand at Pizza Hut
2. warm weather
3. just whatever Triple M are playing
4. birthday!
5. a work meeting

Georgina said...

1. Depends. Either 7 weeks at a wax factory as part of my scholarship, or working at New College as an admissions clerk.
2. People don't seem to get why I love SCUBA! (You thought I was going to say ferrets, didn't you? Didn't you?)
3. Crazy in the Night:
4. Excited about getting to know the 20 new student leaders I'm training tomorrow and Wed.
5. Nervous about training the 20 new student leaders tomorrow and Wed.

Laetitia :-) said...

So far that's 3 of us who are Feb babies.

Beth said...

1. Cashier at a local discount store.
2. Survivor!!!
3. Anything by the Zac Brown Band.
4. My favorite football team won the Super Bowl!!! They are the world champions!!!
5. The amount of work I have due for all of my classes.

Ruth said...

1. piano teaching
2. cookie dough
3. shiny happy people
4. cleaning the house
5. how one of my boys is getting on at school

Laetitia :-) said...

Um, Beth? Isn't gridiron only played in the USA? And if that's so, how does that make them world champions?

onlinesoph said...

1. Darrell Lea selling chocolates
2. buying my groceries online
3. Anything by Brooke Fraser since going to her concert last week
4. leading a new mum's bible study at church
5. ditto as 4.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Wendy- Yeah people underrate writing. It's one of life's joys.

Pedro- My girls love that song

Al-Hope the move has all gone ok mate

Joanna- Baby scan?! that's FANTASTIC Jo, I'm so pleased for you!

CrazyJed-Hope the surgery went well

Milika- Sorry, I'd be one of those people who didn't get the shoe thing..

Kim- Hope you had a great birthday!

Simone- I like a good Disney song so long as it's pre-80's. My favourite is Once Apon a Dream.

Sarah- Hope your appointment went okay

Gary- It's nice to have another comic book guy around

Laetitia-HB for Sunday!

Maso-HB aswell!

George-Frankly I think people would wonder more about the ferrets than the scuba..

Beth-I love Survivor. It's the one reality show that keeps on giving.

Ruth- Hope you got the place spik and span

Soph- I don't mind Brooke Fraser. She seems pretty cool.

Ben McLaughlin said...

So tell me, anyone who's reading this-- would you be chizzy if I stopped responding to every quiz answer?

tell me honestly.

Georgina said...

I love your responses Ben personally. But if it's all too hard, the quizzes are still cool.

KIM said...

oh goodness, don't worry about every answer. just mine will do.

i do like the answers but understand if it's all a bit much. maybe for special occasions? once a month?

and chizzy -- is that an australianism? i understand it, but have never heard it. is it worth me blogging about?

Laetitia :-) said...

:-) Just yours, eh, Kim.

And no, I'd say that "chizzy" is a Ben-ism.

No Ben, you don't have to reply to all comments. But when you do we do enjoy them.

Ruth said...

Yes, I totally would - because that's part of the charm of the Vanishing Point - personal interaction with comments - are dying art in the blogosphere these days!

Ruth said...

Well..... not so much chizzy as disappointed... I mean, I'd still talk to you in person etc!

Ben McLaughlin said...

Well, thanks for the feedback. In that case I will keep up the responses as much as I can.

The tribe has spoken!