Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Thursday, November 27, 2008

A First Step

Well, last night I made a bit of a first step with my speech.

As you may remember, I wrote
a few posts several months ago about my stuttering problem. I felt pretty helpless and hopeless about it all, simultaneously wanting nothing more than to change my situation, but continuing to run away from it, because it was too painful.

Anyway, sadly I continued to procrastinate after those posts, up until a few weeks back where I felt like I had hit rock bottom, and made the commitment to really do something, and right away. After a bit of research I discovered a program being run in Lidcombe by the Sydney University, and last night E and I went to the information night about this course.

It is an intensive Smooth Speech course, that will be held next February. You go all day, every day for a week, and just get totally immersed in the thing, and do nothing for a week but talk, talk, talk, using techniques that they teach you. After that you go back for seven weekly two hour visits.

I am under no illusions that my stuttering will be cured. There is no 'cure' for stuttering, only ways to manage it. But the aim is that I will work very hard to put in to practice these techniques that help 'bypass' the stuttering, and allow me to talk in a new way, and sound as natural as possible. As they explained last night, there will never be a time when this new way of speaking feels completely natural, but rather it will always be something I have to think about and practice. In a sense, it's really after the course that the real hard work begins.

But really, none of this was going to dampen my enthusiasm. Any improvement is going to better to where I'm at now. I feel so happy that things are underway, and that there is now a plan of attack. Even just talking about it last night, and being with a group of people with the same problem was hugely comforting and liberating.

I feel so thankful to God for the way He brought this about, and led me to this place. I'm also so amazed at His timing. I found this course just before there was going to be an info night, and also the course will wrap up a day or two before the baby is born! It really feels like He is smoothing the way and giving me the strength I need.

Anyway, I'll keep you posted with how things progress.


Pedro said...

much respect brethra. You go son!!

Elizabeth M said...

way cool dude. way cool.

Aimee said...

Thats fabulous!!
Perhaps you could link in with a Speak Easy group once the course finishes, so you have a group of people to keep practising with? Or you could practise talking to your new son/daughter using the techniques - I'm sure he/she wouldn't mind at all!!
I am constantly amazed at the perfectness (is that a word?) of God's timing!

Ben McLaughlin said...

Thanks guys. Aimee, I intend to use the technique with anyone who will listen:) I think what happens with the course is you stay in touch with the other people doing it, sort of as practice buddies.

Anonymous said...

glad to hear you're on your way ben - that's a prayer answer :)

I'll look forward to hearing/reading how it's going.

Ruth said...

Way to go Ben - sounds great. Amazing timing too.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Thanks guys.

Welcome back, Pete- look forward to hearing about yr trip

Guthers said...

hey ben - all the best mate. Will pray that this goes well.

Thanks for sharing.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Thanks a lot, Guthers- I really appreciate that.

kristina said...

I will be praying for you too. God is very good. I am expecting great things. Please keep us posted.

Anonymous said...

That's wonderful. I am so happy to see that you are enthusiastic. Believe me, we ALL have issues that we need to tackle but put aside for various reasons... All the best and certainly my prayers are with you.


Ben McLaughlin said...

Thanks Kristina and AY, for your kind words. God is good, so good that even trough hard times and negative things in life He weaves good through it. I feel confident that He will carry me through this.