Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Monday, December 7, 2009

I Won't Call It A Daddy-Date Because It Might Make You Squeamish

To get out of the house the other day, I took Little e to see Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs, her first real movie going experience. Not particularly because we wanted to watch that, but more because it was the only age-appropriate thing on.

The movie itself was pretty average- one of those ones that you struggle to remember anything about a couple of hours later. What I long for in a kid's movie is just some stillness and nice, calming sequences, but these days they're all crazy fit-inducing colour and movement. I could sense Little e was finding it all a bit full-on, and she'd turn away and look at something else, like the exit sign, for a while.

But it was fun taking her. She spent most of the time sitting on my lap, chatting to me about random stuff, and asking for more snacks. She's a good kid.


Christine said...

Hey Ben, I took some kids to see it in 3D on Saturday - I loved it! Loved the monkey Steeeve :)

Ben McLaughlin said...

I thought it was fun, but not that memorable, and I just switched off because it became too action packed and crazy.

But there was stuff that I liked about it. Little e liked Steeeeve as well.

Joanna said...

Yes, I love the Miyazaki movies because there is a real appreciation of quiet and simplicity... the scene with the train that runs through the ocean in Spirited Away, for example... that seems missing in so many Western kids' movies.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Yeah, I love the Miyazaki movies for the same reason-- the bit I think of is where the girls are standing in the rain, waiting for a bus in 'My Neighbor Totoro'.